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Moore's Essential Clinical Anatomy 7e Lippincott Connect Instant Digital Access

Edition: 7
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Instant Digital Access to​ Lippincott® Connect, Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy, 7th Edition is more informative and approachable than ever. By ...
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  • Instant Digital Access to​ Lippincott® Connect, Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy, 7th Edition is more informative and approachable than ever. By using multimedia content and customizable assignments, this edition strengthens comprehension and prepares you for success in your course.

    Known for its hallmark Clinical Blue BoxesMoore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy, 7th Edition, combines an easy-to-read approach, dynamic surface anatomy and medical imaging features, and engaging digital resources to build clinical confidence and equip users for success from foundational science courses through clinical training and practice.
    The concise, user-friendly format emphasizes structures and functions critical to physical diagnosis for primary care, interpretation of diagnostic imaging, and understanding the anatomical basis of emergency medicine and general surgery. This updated 7th Edition reflects the latest clinical perspectives and is supported by valuable self-assessment tools, case studies, and interactive BioDigital software to enrich understanding for students and practitioners alike.

    Lippincott® Connect enhances your student experience in an all-in-one learning solution combining an interactive eBook, multimedia content, and assessment. Instructors can customize the course, create assignments, and track your progress. Students maximize efficiency through valuable feedback and remediation. Key performance insights are reported in a user-friendly dashboard that allows you to tailor your learning experiences.NEW! Sex and gender content clarifies important gender considerations and reflects an equitable focus on female as well as male anatomy.
    • Extensively revised Clinical Blue Boxes highlight the practical applications of anatomy, accompanied by helpful icons, illustrations, and images that distinguish the type of clinical information covered.
    • Revised comprehensive surface anatomy photographs ensure accurate, effective physical examination diagnoses with integrated natural views of unobstructed surface anatomy and illustrations superimposing anatomical structures with landmarks for more accurate physical examination.
    • Insightfully rendered, anatomically accurate illustrations, combined with many photographs and medical images, strengthen comprehension of anatomical concepts and retention of “mental images” of anatomical structures.
    • Medical Imaging sections familiarize students with plain and contrast radiographic, MRI, CT, and ultrasonography studies they’ll use in clinical practice.
    • Comprehensive tables clarify complex information about muscles, veins, arteries, nerves, and other structures for easy study and review.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Digital Instant Access
    Lippincott Connect
  • Anne M. R. Agur BSc (OT), MSc, PhD, FAAA
    Arthur F. Dalley II PhD, FAAA
    • NEW! Sex and gender content clarifies important gender considerations and reflects an equitable focus on female as well as male anatomy.
    • Extensively revised Clinical Blue Boxes highlight the practical applications of anatomy, accompanied by helpful icons, illustrations, and images that distinguish the type of clinical information covered.
    • Revised comprehensive surface anatomy photographs ensure accurate, effective physical examination diagnoses with integrated natural views of unobstructed surface anatomy and illustrations superimposing anatomical structures with landmarks for more accurate physical examination.
    • Insightfully rendered, anatomically accurate illustrations, combined with many photographs and medical images, strengthen comprehension of anatomical concepts and retention of “mental images” of anatomical structures.
    • Medical Imaging sections familiarize students with plain and contrast radiographic, MRI, CT, and ultrasonography studies they’ll use in clinical practice.
    • Comprehensive tables clarify complex information about muscles, veins, arteries, nerves, and other structures for easy study and review.
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Moore's Essential Clinical Anatomy 7e Lippincott Connect Instant Digital Access

Moore's Essential Clinical Anatomy 7e Lippincott Connect Instant Digital Access

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975215095
USD $125.98 Quantity:
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