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Written by leading global experts in this rapidly growing field, Minimally Invasive Foot and Ankle Surgery: A Percutaneous Approach, edited by Ettore Vulcano, MD, A. Holly Johnson, MD, and Oliver N. Schipper, MD, covers all aspects of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) for today’s foot and ankle surgeons. In one highly illustrated, easy-to-follow reference, this cutting-edge text provides practical guidance on the recent advances in technology and techniques that allow for keyhole incisions, lower risk of infection, less pain, and shorter postoperative recovery times. The authors’ years of experience as pioneers of modern MIS foot and ankle surgery in North America ensure that this new reference will become your go-to resource for improved outcomes and fewer complications using today’s best keyhole surgery techniques.
Covers surgical techniques in a stepwise, highly illustrated manner, with procedural photos, schematic views, imaging, and pearls and pitfalls throughout
Features an easy-to-follow format in each chapter, covering indications/contraindications, patient history and examination, imaging, preoperative planning/preparation, surgical technique, and outcomes
Offers expert guidance on MIS for bunionectomies, Lapidus and midfoot fusions, hallux fusions, Freiberg disease, lesser toes deformities, Charcot foot, calcaneus osteotomies, ankle fusion, and much more
Shares the knowledge of internationally renowned foot and ankle surgeons—those who have studied and perfected keyhole surgery in this fast-growing area
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Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
September 25, 2023
Ettore Vulcano MD
A. Holland Johnson MD
Oliver Schipper
Dedication v Contributors vii Preface ix PART 1 Forefoot ................................................................. 1 Section 1 Hallux Valgus ...................................................................2 1 Chevron-Akin .........................................................................2 David J. Redfern 2 Surgical Technique for Percutaneous Transverse Distal First Metatarsal Osteotomy and Akin Bunionectomy ...............................................................15 Oliver N. Schipper 3 Basal Closing Wedge Osteotomy ........................................................25 Gustavo A. Nunes and Joel Vernois 4. Percutaneous Scarf ...................................................................32 Eduard Rabat and Josep Torrent 5 Lapidus .............................................................................45 Conor I. Murphy, Akshay Jain, and A. Holly Johnson Section 2 Hallux Rigidus ..................................................................56 6 Minimally Invasive Dorsal Cheilectomy and Moberg Osteotomy for Hallux Rigidus ..............56 Thomas L. Lewis, Robbie Ray, and Peter Lam 7 Minimally Invasive First Metatarsophalangeal Fusion .......................................67 Christopher P. Miller and Philip B. Kaiser Section 3 Metatarsalgia ..................................................................77 8 Distal Minimally Invasive Metatarsal Osteotomy ...........................................77 Olivier Laffenêtre 9 Bunionette ..........................................................................87 Paulo Carvalho 10 Freiberg Disease ......................................................................99 Serrano Mariano De Prado and Manuel Cuervas-Mons 11 Percutaneous Distal Metatarsal Osteotomy for Morton Neuroma ............................111 Alirio J. deMeireles and Ettore Vulcano 12 Lesser Toes Deformities ...............................................................117 Barbara Piclet-Legré and Véronique Darcel PART 2 Midfoot ................................................................ 135 13 Tarsometatarsal Fusion ...............................................................136 Patrick J. Maloney and Adam Lukasiewicz 14 Charcot Foot ........................................................................144 Roslyn J. Miller ContentsPART 3 Midfoot/Hindfoot ....................................................... 151 15 Medializing Osteotomy ...............................................................152 Hazibullah Waizy and Assil-Ramin Alimy 16 Percutaneous Dwyer and Lateral Displacement Calcaneal Osteotomy ........................158 Jonathan R. M. Kaplan 17 Percutaneous Zadek Osteotomy to Treat Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy ...................164 Taylor L. Paskey and Ettore Vulcano 18 Percutaneous Haglund Resection .......................................................171 Ettore Vulcano 19 Arthroscopic and Percutaneous Triple Arthrodesis ........................................175 Alastair Younger and Andrea Veljkovic 20 Triple Arthrodesis: A Fully Percutaneous Approach ........................................184 Ettore Vulcano 21 Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Dorsal Cheilectomy with Hallux Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthroscopy ....................................................................190 Tyler Gonzalez 22 Percutaneous Ankle Arthrodesis .......................................................195 Gerard F. Marciano and Ettore Vulcano Index 201
Covers surgical techniques in a stepwise, highly illustrated manner, with procedural photos, schematic views, imaging, and pearls and pitfalls throughout
Features an easy-to-follow format in each chapter, covering indications/contraindications, patient history and examination, imaging, preoperative planning/preparation, surgical technique, and outcomes
Offers expert guidance on MIS for bunionectomies, Lapidus and midfoot fusions, hallux fusions, Freiberg disease, lesser toes deformities, Charcot foot, calcaneus osteotomies, ankle fusion, and much more
Shares the knowledge of internationally renowned foot and ankle surgeons—those who have studied and perfected keyhole surgery in this fast-growing area
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