Feeling overwhelmed by medical terminology? Grab a lifeline: the newly updated Medical Terminology Made Incredibly Easy!®, 4th Edition offers clear ...
Feeling overwhelmed by medical terminology? Grab a lifeline: the newly updated Medical Terminology Made Incredibly Easy!®, 4th Edition offers clear and simple explanations of vital terms and their everyday use in nursing practice. Backed by humor and chock full of illustrations, this enjoyable text is the perfect backup to class materials and the ideal on-the-job refresher for experienced nurses and all healthcare professionals. Learn how to decipher complex terms from the roots up—and take your confidence to a whole new level. Be expertly guided through the choppy waters of medical terminology …
NEW and updated content clarifies medical terminology concepts with clear definitions and illustrations
Explains the meanings, roots, and pronunciation of terms as used in everyday practice, including:
Names for all major body systems: skeletal, muscular, integumentary, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, reproductive, neurologic, endocrine, blood and lymphatic, and sensory systems
Terms and phrases used in maternal health, pharmacology, and mental health
Breaks down complex medical terms into recognizable components—common prefixes, roots, and suffixes—to help you identify the meaning of any term
Offers a strong anatomy and physiology overview backed by numerous images, including a large image of each organ system
Chapter features provide learning aids and on-the-unit support:
Just the facts —quick summary of chapter content
Vocabulary builders —end-of-chapter games such as crossword puzzles, matching roots and prefixes to their correct meanings, and fill-in-the-blank sentences to help you retain learning
Pump up your pronunciation —phonetic spellings make it easy to pronounce complex terms
Anatomically speaking —anatomy illustrations, with pronunciations of key terms
Memory jogger —stories and tools that support retention
Beyond the dictionary —learn the origins of words, to help you remember word roots and dissect meanings
The real world —explains informal terms used in daily practice
About the Clinical Editor David Woodruff, MSN, RN-BC, CNS, CNE, FNAP, is Faculty Development Specialist at the Center for Faculty Excellence, Chamberlain College of Nursing, in Cleveland, Ohio.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
7 x 9
Incredibly Easy! Series®
Publication Date
October 18, 2017
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
USD $59.99
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