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Awarded 3rd place in the 2024 AJN Book of the Year Awards in the Medical-Surgical Nursing Category.
Designed to transition today’s students into tomorrow’s practice-ready nurses, Medical-Surgical Nursing: Focus on Clinical Judgment, 3rd Edition, leverages years of nursing education expertise and real-world clinical experience to help students master essential information, develop their clinical judgment, and confidently embrace the challenges ahead—from the Next Generation NCLEX® to the day-to-day realities of practice.
Medical-Surgical Nursing is expertly curated by active nursing educators and clinicians. Applying a practical, approachable perspective to the breadth of medical-surgical nursing, Linda Honan and her contributors distill essential concepts and practices in precise detail, clarifying processes and complex pathophysiology through need-to-know coverage of the most prominent medical conditions and key nursing responsibilities. Author Dr. Linda Honan’s trademark pedagogical tools, honed throughout her own years as a practitioner and educator, further reinforce the practicing nurse’s perspective and deepen students’ clinical readiness.
Every chapter of this 3rd Edition has been revised and updated with an emphasis on clinical judgment and inclusivity, incorporating bias-free, gender-neutral language and walking students through the NCSBN’s Clinical Judgment Measurement Model with new NCLEX questions and case studies. An enhanced focus on determinants of health highlights their impact on health, wellbeing, and quality of life to help students meet Healthy People 2030 objectives, and new content equips students with the latest clinical insights offering complete preparation for the responsibilities students will assume as they embark on their nursing careers in today’s evolving healthcare environment.
Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
October 12, 2023
Chapter 1 The Nurse’s Role in Adult Health Nursing Chapter 2 Chronic Illness and End-of-Life Care Chapter 3 Fluid and Electrolyte and Acid-Base Imbalances Chapter 4 Perioperative Nursing Chapter 5 Cancer Care Chapter 6 Pain Management Chapter 7 Nursing Assessment: Respiratory Function Chapter 8 Nursing Management: Patients With Upper Respiratory Tract Disorders Chapter 9 Nursing Management: Patients With Chest and Lower Respiratory Tract Disorders Chapter 10 Nursing Management: Patients With COPD and Asthma Chapter 11 Nursing Assessment: Cardiovascular and Circulatory Function Chapter 12 Nursing Management: Patients With Hypertension Chapter 13 Nursing Management: Patients With Coronary Vascular Disorders Chapter 14 Nursing Management: Patients With Complications From Heart Disease Chapter 15 Nursing Management: Patients With Structural, Infectious, and Inflammatory Cardiac Disorders Chapter 16 Nursing Management: Patients With Arrhythmias and Conduction Problems Chapter 17 Nursing Management: Patients With Vascular Disorders and Problems of Peripheral Circulation Chapter 18 Nursing Assessment: Hematologic Function Chapter 19 Nursing Management: Patients With Hematologic Disorders Chapter 20 Nursing Assessment: Digestive, Gastrointestinal, and Metabolic Function Chapter 21 Nursing Management: Patients with Oral and Esophageal Disorders and Patients Receiving Gastrointestinal Intubation, Enteral, and Parenteral Nutrition Chapter 22 Nursing Management: Patients With Gastric and Duodenal Disorders Chapter 23 Nursing Management: Patients With Intestinal and Rectal Disorders Chapter 24 Nursing Management: Patients With Hepatic and Biliary Disorders Chapter 25 Nursing Assessment: Renal and Urinary Tract Function Chapter 26 Nursing Management: Patients With Renal Disorders Chapter 27 Nursing Management: Patients With Urinary Disorders Chapter 28 Nursing Assessment: Endocrine Function Chapter 29 Nursing Management: Diabetes Mellitus Chapter 30 Nursing Management: Patients With Endocrine Disorders Chapter 31 Nursing Assessment: Reproductive Function Chapter 32 Nursing Management: Patients With Female Reproductive and Breast Disorders Chapter 33 Nursing Management: Care of the Assigned Male at Birth (AMAB)/Male Client with Reproductive Disorders Chapter 34 Nursing Management: Patients With Sexually Transmitted Infections Chapter 35 Nursing Assessment: Immune Function Chapter 36 Nursing Management: Patients With Immunodeficiency, HIV Infection, and AIDS Chapter 37 Nursing Management: Patients With Allergic Disorders Chapter 38 Nursing Management: Patients With Rheumatic Disorders Chapter 39 Nursing Assessment: Musculoskeletal Function Chapter 40 Nursing Management: Patients With Musculoskeletal Disorders Chapter 41 Nursing Management: Patients With Musculoskeletal Trauma Chapter 42 Nursing Assessment: Neurologic Function Chapter 43 Nursing Management: Patients with Oncologic Disorders of the Brain and Spinal Cord Chapter 44 Nursing Management: Patients With Neurologic Trauma Chapter 45 Nursing Management: Patients With Neurologic Disorders Chapter 46 Nursing Management: Patients With Cerebrovascular Disorders Chapter 47 Nursing Assessment: Sensorineural Function Chapter 48 Nursing Management: Patients With Eye and Vision Disorders Chapter 49 Nursing Management: Patients With Hearing and Balance Disorders Chapter 50 Nursing Assessment: Integumentary Function Chapter 51 Nursing Management: Patients With Dermatologic Problems Chapter 52 Nursing Management: Patients With Burn Injury Chapter 53 Nursing Management: Shock and Multisystem Failure Chapter 54 Nursing Management: Critical Care Chapter 55 Nursing Management: Emergencies and Disasters
NEW! Updated content throughout the text familiarizes students with the latest clinical approaches and perspectives in medical-surgical nursing.
NEW! Clinical Judgment Case Studies that have students work through the NCSBN’s Clinical Judgment Measurement Model to hone essential clinical decision-making skills.
NEW! Pearls for Practice delivered in the author’s approachable voice personalize all-important tips and warnings drawn from her extensive clinical experience to strengthen students’ practice-readiness.
NEW! Integrated coverage of the AACN’s 2021 Essentials reinforces the four “spheres” of nursing care throughout the text: health promotion/disease prevention, chronic disease care, regenerative or restorative care, and hospice/palliative/supportive care.
NEW! End-of-chapter questions reflect the Next Generation NCLEX® testing format for enhanced exam preparation and test-taking confidence.
NEW! Lifting the Lens features broaden students’ awareness of the societal issues impacting patients, their diseases, and communities.
NEW! Bias-free, gender-neutral language and Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) coverage equips students with a perspective on patient care essential to today’s nursing practice.
UPDATED! Combined The Nurse’s Role and Health Education and Health Promotion section focuses coverage on key takeaways.
Guidelines for Nursing Care clarify steps and rationales for key procedures.
Focused Assessment boxes provide fast access to important assessment criteria and significant findings related to commonly encountered disorders.
Nursing Research: Bridging the Gap to Evidence-Based Practice reinforces the nursing implications of recent research.
Drug Alerts highlight important nursing and drug safety considerations.
Medical-Surgical Nursing: Focus on Clinical Judgment is an exceptional resource distinguished by its comprehensive and inclusive approach to presenting complex clinical scenarios. Recognizing that nursing care must evolve to meet the needs of all patients, the text equips future nurses to provide compassionate and culturally sensitive care for diverse populations. Clinical judgment cases enhance students’ critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills by helping them step into the role of the nurse, making learning more personable and interactive. Additionally, the nursing care guidelines included throughout are well written, utilizing a stepwise approach and a rationale with each intervention.
–Giang Martinez, DNP, MPA, AGCNS-BC, APRN, Major, United States Army Nurse Corps
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