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Medical Spanish Made Incredibly Easy!

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
June 2, 2008
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Thoroughly updated for its Third Edition, this guide will help health care professionals in all clinical settings communicate easily with ...
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  • Thoroughly updated for its Third Edition, this guide will help health care professionals in all clinical settings communicate easily with Spanish-speaking patients. It presents Spanish words, phrases, questions, and instructions that cover signs and symptoms, history-taking, assessment of all body systems, mental health, diagnostic tests, disorders, medications, procedures, surgery, nutrition and diet therapy, medical equipment, and alternative and complementary therapies. Features include a picture dictionary, clear body-system illustrations with labels in both languages, rules of Spanish pronunciation and grammar, and indexes in English and Spanish.

    A companion Website offers audio files with correct pronunciations for hundreds of medical terms in English and Spanish, downloadable to a computer or MP3 player.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7.5 x 9.25
    Incredibly Easy! Series®
    Publication Date
    June 2, 2008
  • Springhouse
  • Contributors and consultants Foreword
    1: The basics
    2: Everyday words and phrases
    3: Signs and symptoms
    4: Examining the cardiovascular system
    5: Examining the respiratory system
    6: Examining the nervous system
    7: Examining the GI system
    8: Examining the genitourinary and reproductive systems
    9: Examining the musculoskeletal system
    10: Examining the immune and endocrine systems
    11: Examining the skin, hair, and nails
    12: Examining the eyes, nose, ears, and throat
    13: Mental health
    14: Diagnostic tests
    15: Major disorders
    16: Medications
    17: Procedures
    18: Surgery
    19: Managing pain
    20: Nutrition and diet therapy
    21: Medical equipment and supplies

    Appendices and index
  • --Spanish translations of common health-care words and phrases used when caring for patients; covers all body systems as well as general signs and symptoms, history and physical, lifestyle and family relationships, diagnostic tests, major disorders, medications, procedures, surgery, nutrition and diet therapy, medical equipment and supplies, and complementary and alternative therapies
    --Clear body-system illustrations with anatomy labeled in English and Spanish
    --Picture dictionary with labels in two languages
    --For each body system: questions for exploring health problems, medical history, family history, employment, and lifestyle
    --For each major disorder: description of the disorder, simple pathophysiology, complications, diagnostic tests, and treatments
    --Patient-teaching aids in English and Spanish, including testing blood glucose, using an oral inhaler, proper hand washing, using a condom, and injecting insulin
    --In the margins: bilingual cartoons that provide more vocabulary and extra linguistic help with assessment questions, patient teaching phrases, and much more
    --Basic rules of Spanish pronunciation and grammar
    --Summary of key terms and points at the beginning of each chapter
    --End-of-chapter self-quizzes (with answer keys) to test what the reader has learned
    --Two indexes: English and Spanish
    --Logos include:
    • Pump up your pronunciation : gives pronunciation tips
    • Joy's grammar guide : tips on correct Spanish grammar
    • La cultura : discusses cultural elements that affect health care.
    • La clinica: provides phrases relevant to pediatric, pregnant, and older patients.
    • Audio files with correct pronunciations for hundreds of key terms in English and Spanish, downloadable to your computer or MP3 player
    • Chapter on mental health
    • New terms with illustrations added to the Incredibly Easy! picture dictionary
    • Thorough review and update of all content
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Medical Spanish Made Incredibly Easy!

Medical Spanish Made Incredibly Easy!

ISBN/ISSN: 9780781789417
USD $66.99 Quantity:
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