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Each card provides concise drug information to be used by nursing students during clinical rotations, for NCLEX prep and by practicing nurses who need a quick portable reference to the most common drugs.
The cards offer important drug information including generic and trade names with pronunciations, indications and dosages, and contraindications and cautions.
Covers 300+ of the most commonly prescribed drugs
Now in Color making it easier to find essential information including lifespan considerations, assessment, key nursing diagnosis, planning and implementation and evaluation
Each card includes; drug names, class, action, adverse reactions, nursing considerations, and patient dosing
Each card is hole-punched and can be attached to the included Ring to carry only the cards you need!
Product Format
Hardcover Flexibound Book
Trim Size
5 x 7
Publication Date
December 26, 2017
Carla Vitale
Doody’s 4 Star Review! “This method of providing information is likely to be used only by nursing students currently in a pharmacology class or a clinical rotation. Instead of carrying a heavy drug book to a rotation, students can attach cards they need to the ring and carry it with them. Students also could use these cards very effectively to study for NCLEX, since they lend themselves to group study with students taking turns quizzing each other.”
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