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McKenna's Drug Handbook for Nursing & Midwifery

Australia & New Zealand
Edition: 9
Publication Date:
February 11, 2021
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McKENNA’S DRUG HANDBOOK FOR NURSING AND MIDWIFERY 9th editionAustralia and New Zealand Lisa McKenna RN, RM, MEdSt, PhD, FCNASanja Mirkov ...
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    Australia and New Zealand

    Lisa McKenna RN, RM, MEdSt, PhD, FCNA

    Sanja Mirkov BPharm, PGDipPubHlth, RegPharm NZ, RPh AHPRA

    David Foley BSc, RN, A&E Cert, MN, PhD

    Julia Müller Spiti RN, PGDip Nurs (Cardiac) PGCert Nurs (ICU)

    Fully updated for its 9th edition, McKenna’s Drug Handbook for Nursing and Midwifery gives clear guidance for safe and effective drug administration.

    Never miss out on the latest drug information, on the ward or in the classroom, with this fully revised and updated handbook for nurses and midwives.

    If you’re an educator, be confident your students have all they need to safely administer the latest drugs, using the latest protocols and best-practice guidelines.
    If you’re a student or professional, be sure you can search for drug information relevant to you, on the go, when and where you need it.
    Contains revised information on over 1100 essential drugs, for patients of all ages and categories.
    It’s never been easier to keep up.

    Whats NEW?
    • Regularly updated Keep up with new drugs
    • Comes as an app Search on the go
    • Ebook included Search how it suits you
    • NZ-only drugs clearly marked Relevant to you
    What else can I expect?
    This essential handbook contains information on over 1100 drugs (30 of them new to this edition), divided into 100 therapeutic use chapters, and covering 15 drug classes.
    That includes drug:
    • characteristics and available forms
    • indications and dosages, actions, adverse side effects, interactions and contraindications
    • adjust-a-dose information for patients of all ages
    • information for pregnant women and sportspeople.
    But it’s more than a drugs list.
    The handbook places the latest drug information in its clinical and social context. That includes the latest evidence, guidelines and philosophies of nursing and midwifery.
    How do I find drug information?
    The handbook comes as a print book, eBook and app so you can search for information how it suits you, at your desk, or on the go.
    Search drugs by generic or brand name, therapeutic or pharmacological class.
    Use the handy reference section to search for:
    • adverse side effects
    • dangerous drug interactions
    • normal laboratory test values
    • drug monitoring guidelines, and common errors.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Publication Date
    February 11, 2021
  • Lisa McKenna
    Sanja Mirkov
    David Foley
    Julia Mueller Spiti
  • McKenna’s Drug Handbook for Nursing and Midwifery 9th edition
    Australia and New Zealand
    Table of Contents

    How to use this book

    Quick reference
    • Glossary of adverse drug effects
    • Influences on the body’s response to drugs
    • Abbreviations
    • Common drug errors
    • Therapeutic drug monitoring guidelines
    • Dangerous drug interactions
    • Normal laboratory test values
    • Dialysable drugs
    General information
    1 Drug actions, interactions, and reactions
    2 Drug therapy in children
    3 Drug therapy in the older adult
    4 Drug therapy and the process of care

    Anti-infective drugs
    5 Amoebicides and antiprotozoals
    6 Anthelmintics
    7 Antifungals
    8 Antimalarials
    9 Antituberculotics and antileprotics
    10 Aminoglycosides
    11 Penicillins
    12 Cefalosporins
    13 Tetracyclines
    14 Fluoroquinolones
    15 Antivirals
    16 Macrolides
    17 Carbapenems
    18 Miscellaneous anti-infectives
    Cardiovascular system drugs
    19 Antiarrhythmics
    20 Antianginals
    21 Antihypertensives
    22 Hypolipidaemic drugs
    23 Anticoagulants and haemostatic agents
    24 Antiplatelet agents
    25 Blood derivatives
    26 Thrombolytic enzymes
    27 Miscellaneous cardiovascular drugs
    Central nervous system drugs
    28 Narcotic and opioid analgesics
    29 Local and general anaesthetic agents
    30 Anticonvulsants
    31 Antidepressants
    32 Antianxiety, sedative and hypnotic drugs
    33 Antipsychotics
    34 Central nervous system stimulants
    35 Antimigraine drugs
    36 Drugs used in dependence
    37 Miscellaneous central nervous system drugs
    Autonomic nervous system drugs
    38 Cholinergics (parasympathomimetics)
    39 Anticholinergics
    40 Adrenergics (sympathomimetics)
    Respiratory tract drugs
    41 Antihistamines
    42 Bronchodilators
    43 Respiratory preventive drugs
    44 Miscellaneous respiratory tract drugs
    Gastrointestinal tract drugs
    45 Antacids, adsorbents and antiflatulents
    46 Antidiarrhoeals
    47 Laxatives
    48 Antiemetics
    49 Antiulcer drugs
    50 Enzymes
    Hormonal drugs
    51 Corticosteroids
    52 Androgens and anabolic steroids
    53 Oestrogens and progestins
    54 Oxytocic agents
    55 Gonadotropins and related drugs
    56 Hypoglycaemic agents and glucagon
    57 Pituitary hormones
    58 Agents affecting calcium and bone metabolism
    59 Miscellaneous endocrine agents
    Musculoskeletal drugs
    60 Non-narcotic analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    61 Gold salts
    62 Neuromuscular blockers
    63 Muscle relaxants
    64 Antiparkinsonian drugs
    65 Prostaglandins
    66 Erectile disfunction drugs
    67 Miscellaneous musculoskeletal drugs
    Urological drugs
    68 Diuretics
    69 Electrolytes and replacement solutions
    70 Acidifiers and alkalinisers
    71 Drugs used for gout and hyperuricaemia
    72 Bladder function agents
    73 Alkylating drugs
    74 Antimetabolites
    75 Antibiotic antineoplastics
    76 Antineoplastics that alter hormone balance
    77 Vinca alkaloids
    78 Antineoplastic support drugs
    79 Other antineoplastics
    Immune system drugs
    80 Immunomodifiers
    81 Vaccines
    82 Immune serums
    83 Biological response modifiers
    Ophthalmic, otic, and nasal drugs
    84 Ophthalmic anti-infectives
    85 Ophthalmic anti-inflammatories
    86 Miotics
    87 Mydriatics
    88 Miscellaneous ophthalmics
    89 Otics
    90 Nasal drugs
    Integumentary system drugs
    91 Local anti-infectives
    92 Scabicides and pediculicides
    93 Topical corticosteroids
    94 Other dermatological/topical preparations
    Nutritional drugs
    95 Vitamins and minerals
    96 Calorics
    97 Drugs for weight reduction
    Miscellaneous drug categories
    98 Miscellaneous antagonists and antidotes
    99 Antivenoms
    100 Diagnostic preparations
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McKenna's Drug Handbook for Nursing & Midwifery

McKenna's Drug Handbook for Nursing & Midwifery

ISBN/ISSN: 9781925058130
USD $54.32 Quantity :
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