With step-by-step, highly illustrated instructions for 136 of the most commonly performed outpatient procedures, Mayeaux’s Essential Guide to Primary Care ...
With step-by-step, highly illustrated instructions for 136 of the most commonly performed outpatient procedures, Mayeaux’s Essential Guide to Primary Care Procedures, 3rd Edition, is your go-to guide to the vast majority of procedures performed in everyday practice. From the basic (cerumen removal and simple interrupted sutures) to the complex (colonoscopy and chest tube placement), Drs. E.J. Mayeaux Jr, Peter H. Seidenberg, and Paul H. Bornemann, along with dozens of expert contributing authors, cover every aspect of what you need to know, including indications, contraindications, pearls and pitfalls, and more. Whether it’s your first time or you need a refresher, this is the book you want in the room with you when performing these procedures.
Focuses on the most common procedures performed in outpatient office settings, with clearly illustrated coverage of every key step
Provides 1,500+ photographs and illustrations—more than any other comparable reference
Includes many new chapters, including point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) procedurescosmetic/aesthetic procedures, as well as fully updated content throughout based on the latest evidence and best practices
Features fully revised anesthesia content; new and updated illustrations; and pediatric considerations
E-book includes patient handouts and 15 procedural videos
An indispensable resource for practitioners in internal medicine, family medicine, emergency medicine, and urgent care
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Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Product Format
Hardcover Book
Publication Date
July 15, 2025
USD $179.99
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Mayeaux's Essential Guide to Primary Care Procedures: Print + eBook with Multimedia
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975221324
USD $179.99 Quantity:
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