Math for Nurses: A Pocket Guide to Dosage Calculation and Drug Preparation, 10th Edition Mary Jo Boyer, RN, PhD
Quickly Access Everything You Need to Calculate Dosages Effectively and Ensure Accurate Drug Delivery
Current, compact and easy to use, Math for Nurses helps you perfect the basic math skills, measurement systems and drug calculations/preparations essential to successful nursing practice. Packed with real clinical examples and practice problems, this pocket-sized reference guides you step-by-step through the problem-solving and practical applications required in the nursing workplace.
A handy pull-out quick reference card delivers fast access to basic equivalents, conversion factors and math formulas.
Comprehensive dosage calculation coverage familiarizes you with ratio, proportion, formula and dimensional analysis methods of arriving at calculations.
Practice problems throughout the text and review questions at the end of each chapter and unit test your retention and application capabilities.
300 additional Practice Problems and Answers available online through thePoint further enhance learning and retention.
Learning Objectives focus your study and review on essential concepts and practices.
Critical Thinking Checks help you analyze your results to dosage problems and ensure understanding of key content.
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