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Master Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: Skull Base Surgery

Publication Date:
November 20, 2014
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Now part of the Master Techniques in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery series, Skull Base Surgery is the new ...
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  • Now part of the Master Techniques in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery series, Skull Base Surgery is the new go-to guide on common and advanced procedures in skull base surgery. Step-by-step expert instruction is offered on more than 45 procedures, covering both open and minimally invasive approaches to the skull base. It is a vital resource for students, generalist surgeons, and skull base specialists in otolaryngology and neurosurgery.

    Key Features:
    • Authored by world-renowned experts and pioneers in open and endoscopic skull base approaches
    • Chapters cover: introduction to each approach; history; physical examination; indications; contraindications; preoperative planning; surgical technique; postoperative management; complications; results; pearls and pitfalls; instruments to have available; and suggested readings
    • Sections cover: sphenoid and parasellar regions; anterior cranial fossa; middle cranial fossa; posterior cranial fossa; and reconstruction
    • Topics include: optic nerve decompression; endonasal approach to the sella; endoscopic endonasal approach to the medial cavernous sinus; endonasal transorbital approaches; cranialization of the frontal sinus; frontal sinus osteoplastic flap with and without obliteration; and anterior craniofacial resection
    • More than 1,500 color photos and drawings of intraoperative images fully demonstrate the content

    Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, offering iOS, Android, Mac, and PC access to:
    • Complete content with enhanced navigation
    • A powerful search tool that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
    • Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
    • Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
    • Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
    • Six step-by-step videos that outline the procedures covered in each chapter
    • Quick-reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    November 20, 2014
  • Carl Snyderman
    Paul Gardner

    1 Optic Nerve Decompression
    Pete S. Batra

    2 Endonasal Approach to the Sella
    Dharambir S. Sethi

    3 Endoscopic Endonasal Approach to the Sella
    for Pituitary Adenomas and Rathke’s Cleft
    Cysts 2
    Daniel F. Kelly and Chester F. Griffiths

    4 Transcranial Approaches to the Sella, Suprasellar,
    and Parasellar Area
    Atul Goel

    5 Endoscopic Endonasal Approach to the Medial
    Cavernous Sinus
    Charles Teo

    6 Endonasal Suprasellar Approach
    Edward R. Laws, Jr.

    7 Transpterygoid Approach to the Lateral Recess
    of the Sphenoid Sinus
    Paolo Castelnuovo

    8 Transsphenoidal Approach to the Medial Petrous
    Ian J. Witterick


    9 Craniotomy for Suprasellar Tumor
    William T. Couldwell
    10 Pterional/Orbital–Pterional Craniotomy
    Ali F. Krisht

    11 Endonasal Transfrontal Approach to the Anterior
    Cranial Base
    Peter-John Wormald

    12 Endonasal Transcribriform Approach to the
    Anterior Cranial Fossa
    Paul A. Gardner and Carl H. Snyderman

    13 Endonasal Transplanum Approach to the Anterior
    Cranial Fossa
    Theodore H. Schwartz and Vijay K. Anand

    14 Endonasal Transorbital Approach to the Anterior
    Cranial Fossa
    Lee A. Zimmer

    15 Transorbital Endoscopic Approaches to the
    Anterior Cranial Fossa
    Richard G. Ellenbogen and Kris S. Moe

    16 Supraorbital Keyhole Approach to the Anterior
    Cranial Fossa
    Charles Teo

    17 Endonasal Resection of the Anterior Cranial
    Roy R. Casiano

    18 Transcranial Approach for Anterior Craniofacial
    Franco DeMonte

    19 Anterior Craniofacial Resection: Endoscopic
    Richard J. Harvey and Charles Teo

    20 Facial Translocation Approach to the Central
    Cranial Base
    Daniel W. Nuss

    21 Anterior Craniofacial Resection: Midfacial
    Lawrence J. Marentette

    22 Anterior Craniofacial Resection: Lateral
    Guy J. Petruzzelli

    23 Anterior Craniofacial Resection: Raveh
    Kurt Laedrach

    24 Cranialization of the Frontal Sinus
    Dennis Kraus

    25 Frontal Sinus Osteoplastic Flap with and without
    Peter H. Hwang

    26 Suprapetrous Approach to the Lateral Cavernous
    Giorgio Frank and Ernesto Pasquini

    27 Suprapetrous Approach to Meckel’s Cave and
    the Middle Cranial Fossa
    Paul A. Gardner and Carl H. Snyderman

    28 Infrapetrous Approach to the Jugular
    Paul A. Gardner and Carl H. Snyderman

    29 Surgery for Angiofibroma
    Aldo C. Stamm

    30 Modified Orbitozygomatic Craniotomy
    Johnny B. Delashaw

    31 Preauricular Approach to the Infratemporal Skull
    Ziv Gil

    32 Anterior Transpetrosal Approach to the Middle
    Cranial Fossa and Posterior Cranial Fossa
    Chandranath Sen
    33 Postauricular Approach to the Infratemporal
    Skull Base
    John P. Leonetti

    34 Transorbital Endoscopic Approaches to the
    Middle Cranial Fossa
    Kris S. Moe and Richard G. Ellenbogen


    35 Endoscopic Endonasal Pituitary Transposition
    Approach to the Superior Clivus
    Paul A. Gardner and Carl H. Snyderman

    36 Transclival Approach to the Middle and Lower
    Paul A. Gardner and Carl H. Snyderman

    37 Endoscopic Endonasal Approach to the
    Craniocervical Junction and Odontoid
    Carl H. Snyderman and Paul A. Gardner

    38 Combined Supra- and Infratentorial Presigmoid
    Retrolabyrinthine Transpetrosal Approach
    Chandranath Sen

    39 Far Lateral Transcervical Approach to the Lower
    Clivus and Upper Cervical Spine
    William T. Couldwell


    40 Nonvascularized Repair of Small Dural
    Vijay K. Anand and Theodore H. Schwartz

    41 Nonvascularized Repair of Large Dural
    Paolo Castelnuovo

    42 Nasoseptal Flap
    Allan Vescan

    43 Middle Turbinate Flap
    C. Arturo Solares

    44 Inferior Turbinate Flap
    Carl H. Snyderman

    45 The Temporoparietal Fascial Flap in Skull
    Base Reconstruction
    Mark A. Varvares

    46 Extracranial Pericranial Flap
    Adam M. Zanation

    47 Transcranial Pericranial Flap
    Carl H. Snyderman

    48 Temporalis Muscle in Skull Base
    Guy J. Petruzzelli
  • Key Features:
    • Authored by world-renowned experts and pioneers in open and endoscopic skull base approaches
    • Chapters cover: introduction to each approach; history; physical examination; indications; contraindications; preoperative planning; surgical technique; postoperative management; complications; results; pearls and pitfalls; instruments to have available; and suggested readings
    • Sections cover: sphenoid and parasellar regions; anterior cranial fossa; middle cranial fossa; posterior cranial fossa; and reconstruction
    • Topics include: optic nerve decompression; endonasal approach to the sella; endoscopic endonasal approach to the medial cavernous sinus; endonasal transorbital approaches; cranialization of the frontal sinus; frontal sinus osteoplastic flap with and without obliteration; and anterior craniofacial resection
    • More than 1,500 color photos and drawings of intraoperative images fully demonstrate the content

    Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, offering iOS, Android, Mac, and PC access to:
    • Complete content with enhanced navigation
    • A powerful search tool that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
    • Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
    • Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
    • Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
    • Six step-by-step videos that outline the procedures covered in each chapter
    • Quick-reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
  • comprehensive book on different approaches to surgery along the anterior , middle , and posterior skull base
    special attention to step-by-step instructions , preoperative planning , and postoperative management
    present all phases of skull base surgery through instruction by internationally known experts
    presented in a quick and efficient manner
    easy reference for surgeons preparing for individual cases
    extremely worthwhile book for otolaryngologists and neurosurgeons
    print material, videos , and website resources provide a comprehensive approach to a complex subject

    -Doodys Publishers' Club, March 20, 2014
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Master Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: Skull Base Surgery

Master Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: Skull Base Surgery

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451173628
USD $309.99 Quantity:
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