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Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: The Spine

Edition: 4
Publication Date:
April 25, 2023
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Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2023! Part of the highly regarded Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery® series,The ...
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  • Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2023!

    Part of the highly regarded Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery® series,The Spine, Fourth Edition, is a concise, lavishly illustrated reference covering the most advanced, successful surgical techniques for the spine—all in step-by-step detail. Edited by Drs. Todd J. Albert and Thomas A. Zdeblick, this fully revised edition presents the preferred techniques of surgical masters, illustrated with sequential, surgeon’s-eye view intraoperative photographs, as well as superb drawings by noted medical illustrators. New contributing authors and new and rewritten chapters keep you fully up to date with recent changes in the field. 
    • Provides the up-to-date guidance you need to face the challenges of spinal surgery with confidence—helping you minimize error, improve outcomes and increase patient safety 

    • Features a new chapter on Mini ALIF and Oblique Anterior Lumbar Retroperitoneal Approach, as well as up-to-date coverage of robotics and technological advances 

    • Covers indications and contraindications, pitfalls and potential complications, pertinent surgical anatomy, and pearls and tips for improving results 

    • Includes abundant full-color photographs of surgical practice and clear illustrations that reveal areas not visible to the surgeon during a procedure 

    • Helps you acquire both knowledge and skill as you master the art and science of spine surgery with guidance from leading orthopaedic surgeons 

      Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience 

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. 

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery
    Publication Date
    April 25, 2023
  • Todd Albert MD
    Thomas A. Zdeblick MD
    Professor and Chairman, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
  • Contents
    Contributors vii
    Series Preface xiii
    Preface xv
    PART ONE Cervical Spine 1
    Anterior Cervical Approach 1
    Louis J. Bivona and Sanford E. Emery
    Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion 21
    Jad Khalil, Jeffery Fischgrund, and Anthony Arveschoug
    Cervical Disc Arthroplasty 33
    Alexander M. Satin and Jack E. Zigler
    Cervical Vertebrectomy and Plating 49
    Nathan R. Hendrickson, Nicholas T. Spina III, and Darrel S. Brodke
    Cervical Osteotomies: Considerations and Techniques 67
    Barrett Boody, Alan McGee Jr, Christina Hajewski, and Rick Sasso
    Anterior Odontoid Fixation 79
    David S. Casper and Timothy A. Moore
    Anterior Cervicothoracic Approach 87
    C. Chambliss Harrod, Ahilan Sivaganesan, and Todd J. AlbertCHAPTER 8
    Posterior Cervical Microdiscectomy/Foraminotomy 103
    Ian A. Buchanan, Michael P . Kelly, and K. Daniel Riew
    Cervical Laminoplasty 113
    J. Taylor Bellamy, Nikhil A. Thakur, and John G. Heller
    CHAPTER 10
    Posterior Cervical Laminectomy With Fusion 125
    Nicholas J. Lanzetta and Wellington K. Hsu
    CHAPTER 11
    C1- C2 Posterior Cervical Fixation 135
    Han Jo Kim and Gregory S. Kazarian
    CHAPTER 12
    Posterior Occipitocervical Fusion 153
    John C. F. Clohisy and Han Jo Kim
    PART TWO Thoracolumbar Spine 167
    CHAPTER 13
    Anterior Thoracolumbar Extensile Approach 167
    Sachin Gupta, Scott J. B. Nimmons, and Munish C. Gupta
    CHAPTER 14
    Endoscopic and Anterior Approaches for Spinal Deformity Surgery in the
    Adolescent and Y oung Adult 179
    Joshua N. Speirs and Peter O. Newton
    CHAPTER 15
    Hemivertebrae Excision for Congenital Scoliosis 193
    Denver Kraft, Jeffrey M. Henstenburg, and Suken A. Shah
    CHAPTER 16
    Anterolateral Thoracolumbar Corpectomy and Stabilization 207
    Joshua Bakhsheshian, Raymond J. Hah, and Jeffrey C. Wang
    CHAPTER 17
    Anterior Thoracoscopic Discectomy 219
    Zach Pennington, Brendan Judy, and Nicholas Theodore
    CHAPTER 18
    Posterior Spinal Fixation for Thoracolumbar Spinal Trauma 227
    Kris Radcliff, Brian A. Karamian, Nicholas D. D’Antonio, Christopher K. Kepler,
    and Alexander R. VaccaroCHAPTER 19
    Posterior Spinal Instrumentation Techniques for Spinal Deformity 253
    Han Jo Kim, Francis Lovecchio, and Lawrence G. Lenke
    CHAPTER 20
    Lumbar Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomy 263
    Nitin Agarwal, Vijay Letchuman, Saman Shabani, Christopher I. Shaffrey, Sigurd H. Berven, and
    Praveen V. Mummaneni
    CHAPTER 21
    Vertebral Resection for the Correction of Fixed Coronal Deformity 275
    Clifford B. Tribus
    PART THREE Lumbar Spine 283
    CHAPTER 22
    Lumbar Microdiscectomy 283
    Brian A. Karamian, C. Chambliss Harrod, and Alan S. Hilibrand
    CHAPTER 23
    Tubular Microdiscectomy 295
    Kyle W. Morse and Sravisht Iyer
    CHAPTER 24
    Transpedicular Fixation: Open 303
    Grace X. Xiong and James D. Kang
    CHAPTER 25
    Percutaneous Transpedicular Fixation: Minimally Invasive 315
    Evan Sheha, Michael Steinhaus, Akhil Avunoori Chandra, Avani S. Vaishnav, Todd J. Albert,
    Catherine Himo Gang, and Sheeraz Qureshi
    CHAPTER 26
    Transforaminal Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion 327
    Anthony Viola III, Andre M. Samuel, Jeffrey A. Rihn, and Todd J. Albert
    CHAPTER 27
    MIS Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion 339
    Alexandra E. Thomson, Ivan B. Ye, Daniel L. Cavanaugh, and Steven C. Ludwig
    CHAPTER 28
    Mini Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion 347
    Mitchell J. Hughes and Thomas A. Zdeblick
    CHAPTER 29
    Lumbar Disc Arthroplasty 361
    Richard D. Guyer and David G. BarnesCHAPTER 30
    Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion 373
    Alexander J. Butler, A. J. Rush III, and Frank M. Phillips
    CHAPTER 31
    Lumbopelvic Fixation: Open and Percutaneous 389
    Seth K. Williams
    PART FOUR Tumor Resection 405
    CHAPTER 32
    Techniques for Intradural Tumor Resection 405
    Lohit Velagapudi, Caio M. Matias, and James S. Harrop
    Index 417
    • Provides the up-to-date guidance you need to face the challenges of spinal surgery with confidence—helping you minimize error, improve outcomes and increase patient safety 

    • Features a new chapter on Mini ALIF and Oblique Anterior Lumbar Retroperitoneal Approach, as well as up-to-date coverage of robotics and technological advances 

    • Covers indications and contraindications, pitfalls and potential complications, pertinent surgical anatomy, and pearls and tips for improving results 

    • Includes abundant full-color photographs of surgical practice and clear illustrations that reveal areas not visible to the surgeon during a procedure 

    • Helps you acquire both knowledge and skill as you master the art and science of spine surgery with guidance from leading orthopaedic surgeons 

      Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience 

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. 

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Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: The Spine

Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: The Spine

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975175511
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