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Manual of Nephrology

Edition: 9
Publication Date:
November 30, 2024
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Up to date and easily accessible, Manual of Nephrology, 9th Edition, edited by Drs. Edgar V. Lerma and Seth Furgeson, ...
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  • Up to date and easily accessible, Manual of Nephrology, 9th Edition, edited by Drs. Edgar V. Lerma and Seth Furgeson, offers solid, practical guidance on common renal problems—causes, symptoms, treatments, and complications. Up-to-date content and images, a new full-color format, and a new editorial and author team ensure that you stay up to date with the latest scientific research and clinical recommendations on the diagnosis and management of acute and chronic kidney disease.
    • Provides practical, accessible coverage of electrolyte and acid-based disorders, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, acute or chronic renal failure, hypertension, kidney disease in pregnancy, and much more
    • Includes a comprehensive drug dosing chart with specific recommendations on more than 500 drugs
    • Contains seven new chapters, including The Nephrology Consult (Urine examination, Urine studies interpretation, Imaging), The Patient with Diabetic Kidney Disease, The Patient with Cancer and Kidney Involvement
    • Features a visually appealing, full-color format with new and updated high-quality images
    • An indispensable guide for all healthcare providers in the field of nephrology, including practicing specialists, fellows, internal medicine residents, students, primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants

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    • Read directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    5 x 8
    Publication Date
    November 30, 2024
  • Edgar V. Lerma M.D.
    Seth Bernat Furgeson
$ 84.99 USD $84.99

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Manual of Nephrology

Manual of Nephrology

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975218911
USD $84.99 Quantity :
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