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MacDonald's Atlas of Procedures in Neonatology

Edition: 6
Publication Date:
November 21, 2019
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Detailed, step-by-step instructions and abundant full-color illustrations make MacDonald’s Atlas of Procedures in Neonatology, Sixth Edition, an indispensable resource in ...
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  • Detailed, step-by-step instructions and abundant full-color illustrations make MacDonald’s Atlas of Procedures in Neonatology, Sixth Edition, an indispensable resource in the neonatal intensive care nursery. This unique reference uses a practical outline format to present clear, easy-to-follow information on indications, preparation, technique, precautions, and how to avoid potential complications. New chapters, new procedural content, and new videos bring you fully up to date with current practice in the NICU.
    • Uses a step-by-step format that presents more than 200 photographs and illustrations along with user-friendly procedural descriptions, helping you minimize errors and promote safe practice standards.
    • Contains six new chapters: Making Low-Cost Simulation Models for Neonatal Procedures, Delayed Cord Clamping and Cord Milking, Surfactant Administration via Thin Catheter, Amplitude-integrated EEG, VP shunts and EVD Management and Wound Care.
    • Includes a new quick-reference appendix with a convenient checklist of procedures.
    • Provides access to updated videos that depict both common and emergency neonatal procedures.
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    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    November 21, 2019
  • Jayashree Ramasethu MBBS, DCH, MD, FAAP

    Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
    Georgetown University Medical Center
    Medical Director, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
    Associate Program Director, Neonatal Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Program
    Division of Neonatal Perinatal Medicine
    MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
    Washington, DC

    Suna Seo MD, MSc, FAAP
    Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
    Georgetown University Medical Center
    Washington, DC
  • xxiii
    Contributors vii
    Video Contributors xiii
    Illustration Contributors xiii
    Foreword xv
    Preface xvii
    Preface to the First Edition xix
    Acknowledgments xxi
    Section I Preparation and Support
    1. Educational Principles of Simulation-Based
    Procedural Training 2
    Ganesh Srinivasan
    2. Making Low-Cost Simulation Models for Neonatal
    Procedures 26
    Jayashree Ramasethu, Suna Seo, and Ashish O. Gupta
    3. Informed Consent for Procedures 32
    Karen Kamholz
    4. Maintenance of Thermal Homeostasis 37
    Anoop Rao and Melissa Scala
    5. Methods of Restraint 44
    Margaret Mary Kuczkowski
    6. Aseptic Preparation 51
    Ha-young Choi
    7. Analgesia and Sedation in the Newborn 58
    Victoria Tutag-Lehr, Mirjana Lulic-Botica, Johanna M. Calo,
    Gloria B. Valencia, and Jacob V. Aranda
    Section II Physiologic Monitoring
    8. Temperature Monitoring 66
    Neha Kumbhat and Melissa Scala
    9. Cardiorespiratory Monitoring 73
    M. Kabir Abubakar
    10. Blood Pressure Monitoring 81
    M. Kabir Abubakar
    11. Continuous Blood Gas Monitoring 91
    M. Kabir Abubakar
    12. End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Monitoring 101
    M. Kabir Abubakar
    13. Transcutaneous Bilirubin Monitoring 105
    Caitlin Drumm
    14. Amplitude-Integrated EEG (aEEG) 110
    Nathalie El Ters, Stephanie S. Lee, and Amit M. Mathur
    Section III Blood Sampling
    15. Vessel Localization 118
    Suna Seo
    16. Venipuncture 123
    Amber M. Dave
    17. Arterial Puncture 129
    Amber M. Dave
    18. Capillary Blood Sampling 134
    Catherine M. Brown
    SECTION IV Miscellaneous Sampling
    19. Lumbar Puncture 140
    Marko Culjat
    20. Subdural Tap 147
    Aaron Mohantyxxiv Contents
    21. Suprapubic Bladder Aspiration 151
    Jane Germano
    22. Bladder Catheterization 155
    Jane Germano
    23. Tympanocentesis 160
    Gregory J. Milmoe
    24. Bone Marrow Biopsy 163
    Martha C. Sola-Visner, Lisa M. Rimsza, Tung T. Wynn, and
    Jolie S. Ramesar
    25. Punch Skin Biopsy 168
    Maura Caufield and Cynthia M. C. DeKlotz
    26. Ophthalmic Specimen Collection 172
    Jennifer A. Dunbar
    27. Perimortem Sampling 177
    Reem Saadeh-Haddad and Chahira Kozma
    28. Abdominal Paracentesis 184
    Kathryn M. Maselli, Megan E. Beck, Bavana Ketha,
    Anne S. Roberts, and A. Alfred Chahine
    Section V Vascular Access
    29. Peripheral Intravenous Line Placement 188
    Ha-young Choi
    30. Management of Extravasation Injuries 194
    Aimee Vaughn and Ha-Young Choi
    31. Umbilical Artery Catheterization 199
    Suna Seo
    32. Umbilical Vein Catheterization 217
    Suna Seo
    33. Peripheral Arterial Cannulation 224
    Suhasini Kaushal and Jayashree Ramasethu
    34. Central Venous Catheterization 233
    Ha-Young Choi, Angela Rivera, and A. Alfred Chahine
    35. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
    Cannulation and Decannulation 253
    M. Kabir Abubakar and Manuel B. Torres
    36. Management of Vascular Spasm and
    Thrombosis 265
    Matthew A. Saxonhouse and Ashley Hinson
    Section VI Respiratory Care
    37. Bubble Nasal Continuous Positive Airway
    Pressure 276
    Hany Aly and Mohamed A. Mohamed
    38. Endotracheal Intubation 281
    Anne Ades and Lindsay C. Johnston
    39. Surfactant Administration via
    Thin Catheter 294
    Peter A. Dargaville and Harley Mason
    Section VII Tube Placement and Care
    40. Tracheostomy and Tracheostomy Care 300
    Margaret Mary Kuczkowski and Gregory J. Milmoe
    41. Thoracostomy 307
    Ashish O. Gupta and Daniel R. Dirnberger
    42. Pericardiocentesis 321
    Alan Benheim and John North
    43. Gastric and Transpyloric Tubes 327
    Allison M. Greenleaf
    44. Gastrostomy 335
    Bavana Ketha, Megan E. Beck, Kathryn M. Maselli,
    Thomas T. Sato, and A. Alfred Chahine
    45. Neonatal Ostomy and Gastrostomy Care 342
    Linda C. D’Angelo, Dorothy P . Goodman, Kara Johnson,
    Laura Welch, and June Amling
    46. Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Taps, Percutaneous
    Ventricular Taps, and External Ventricular
    Drains 353
    Joshua Casaos, Rajiv R. Iyer and Edward S. Ahn
    Section VIII Transfusions
    47. Delayed Cord Clamping and
    Cord Milking 362
    Anup C. Katheria, Debra A. Erickson-Owens,
    and Judith S. Mercer
    48. Transfusion of Blood and Blood Products 368
    Jennifer L. Webb, Yunchuan Delores Mo, Cyril Jacquot,
    and Naomi L. C. Luban
    49. Exchange Transfusions 383
    Jayashree RamasethuContents xxv
    SECTION IX Miscellaneous Procedures
    50. Whole-Body Cooling 394
    Ela Chakkarapani and Marianne Thoresen
    51. Removal of Extra Digits and
    Skin Tags 411
    Jessica S. Wang and Stephen B. Baker
    52. Neonatal Circumcision 415
    Sarah A. Holzman, Aaron J. Krill, and Louis Marmon
    53. Drainage of Superficial Abscesses 425
    Maame Efua S. Sampah and Manuel B. Torres
    54. Wound Care 428
    Kara Johnson, Laura Welch, and June Amling
    55. Phototherapy 447
    Suhasini Kaushal and Jayashree Ramasethu
    56. Intraosseous Infusions 453
    Mary E. Revenis and Lamia Soghier
    57. Tapping a Ventricular Reservoir 459
    Lara M. Leijser and Linda S. de Vries
    58. Treatment of Retinopathy
    of Prematurity 463
    William F. Deegan III
    59. Renal Replacement Therapy 472
    Kara Short, Daryl Ingram, Vincent Mortellaro,
    Traci Henderson, and David Askenazi
    60. Neonatal Hearing Screening 482
    Catherine E. Demirel
    61. Management of Natal and Neonatal Teeth 486
    Priyanshi Ritwik, Kimberly K. Patterson, and
    Robert J. Musselman
    62. Reducing the Dislocated Newborn Nasal
    Septum 491
    Christine M. Clark, Kelly A. Scriven, and Earl H. Harley, Jr.
    63. Lingual Frenotomy 494
    Kelly A. Scriven and Earl H. Harley, Jr.
    Appendix A 499
    Appendix B 505
    Appendix C 519
    Appendix D 520
    Appendix E 522
    Index 527
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MacDonald's Atlas of Procedures in Neonatology

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