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Lippincott's Textbook for Personal Support Workers
This book is a Canadian adaptation of Lippincott's Textbook for Nursing Assistants, retaining the book's direct, conversational writing style and emphasis on professionalism and humanism. This adaptation prepares students to work as Personal Support Workers (who may be designated by other titles, depending upon the province) in long-term, acute, and home health settings. The original text has been adapted to cover the Canadian healthcare system, discuss considerations for caring for native Canadian populations, and present SI units of measurement. Although each province has a slightly different scope of practice, care has been taken to address the most general, overriding issues of concern to all provinces.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
Publication Date
November 1, 2010
Marilyn A. McGreer BSc, LPN
Norquest College, Alberta, Canada
Pamela J Carter RN, BSN, MEd, CNOR
Davis Applied Technology College, Kaysville, UT
Unit 1 Introduction to Health Care
Chapter 1 The Canadian Health Care System
Chapter 2 The Personal Support Worker
Chapter 3 Professionalism and Job-Seeking Skills
Chapter 4 Legal and Ethical Issues
Chapter 5 Communication Skills
Chapter 6 Those We Care For Unit 2 Safety'
Chapter 7 Communicable Disease and Infection Control
Chapter 8 Bloodborne and Airborne Pathogens
Chapter 9 Workplace Safety
Chapter 10 Patient and Resident Safety and Restraints
Chapter 11 Positioning, Lifting, and Transferring Patients and Residents
Chapter 12 Basic First Aid and Emergency Care Unit 3 Basic Patient and Resident Care'
Chapter 13 The Patient or Resident Environment
Chapter 14 Admissions, Transfers, and Discharges
Chapter 15 Bedmaking
Chapter 16 Vital Signs, Height, and Weight
Chapter 17 Cleanliness and Hygiene
Chapter 18 Grooming
Chapter 19 Basic Nutrition
Chapter 20 Assisting With Urinary and Bowel Elimination Unit 4 Death and Dying'
Chapter 21 Caring for People Who Are Terminally Ill
Chapter 22 Caring for People Who Are Dying Unit 5 Structure and Function of the Human Body'
Chapter 23 Basic Body Structure and Function
Chapter 24 The Integumentary System
Chapter 25 The Musculoskeletal System
Chapter 26 The Respiratory System
Chapter 27 The Cardiovascular System
Chapter 28 The Nervous System
Chapter 29 The Sensory System
Chapter 30 The Endocrine System
Chapter 31 The Digestive System
Chapter 32 The Urinary System
Chapter 33 The Reproductive System Unit 6 Special Care Concerns'
Chapter 34 Caring for People With Developmental Disabilities
Chapter 35 Caring for People With Mental Illness
Chapter 36 Caring for People With Dementia
Chapter 37 Caring for People With Cancer
Chapter 38 Caring for People With HIV/AIDS Unit 7 Acute Care'
Chapter 39 Caring for Surgical Patients
Chapter 40 Caring for Mothers and Newborns
Chapter 41 Caring for Pediatric Patients Unit 8 Home Health Care'
Chapter 42 Introduction to Home Health Care
Chapter 43 Safety and Infection Control in the Home Health Care Setting Appendix A Answers to the What Did You Learn? Exercises
Appendix B Introduction to the Language of Health Care
-- NEW! Information on populations indigenous to Canada. -- NEW! Specific information on Canadian healthcare system. -- NEW! Units of measure changed to reflect Canadian standards. -- What Will You Learn? Each chapter begins with a What Will You Learn? section, which previews the chapter and helps to focus the student's reading. What Will You Learn? sections introduce the chapter's topic and list learning objectives and vocabulary words. -- Summary. Each chapter ends with a summary in a unique narrative outline format. This summary helps students to review the key "take home" concepts of the chapter. -- What Did You Learn? Multiple-choice and matching exercises at the end of each chapter provide students with the opportunity to evaluate their understanding of the material they have just studied. Answers to these exercises are given in Appendix A. -- Highlighted figure, table, and box call-outs. The references to figures, tables, and boxes are highlighted with color in the narrative, helping students to quickly find their place in the text after stopping to look at a figure, table, or box. -- Procedures. Procedures present step-by-step instructions for key personal support worker actions. -- Guidelines Boxes. These boxes summarize general guidelines for various aspects of the personal support workers job. The unique "What You Do/Why You Do It" format helps students to understand why things are done a certain way. Rather than just presenting students with an endless list of guidelines to memorize, these boxes help them to remember why these guidelines are important to follow. -- Tell the Nurse! Notes. This feature highlights the signs and symptoms a personal support worker may observe that are significant and need to be reported to the nurse immediately. -- Stop and Think! Scenarios. These scenarios at the end of each chapter present situations to promote critical thinking. -- Helping Hands and a Caring Heart: Focus on Humanistic Health Care Boxes. These boxes, found throughout the text, encourage students to empathize with those in their care, and emphasize the importance of meeting patients' and residents' emotional and spiritual needs, as well as their physical needs. -- "Personal Support Workers Make A Difference!" pages. Each unit concludes with a first-person account of how a personal support worker made a difference in someone else's life.
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Lippincott's Textbook for Personal Support Workers
ISBN/ISSN: 9781608311705
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