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Lippincott's Pocket Neuroanatomy

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
June 12, 2013
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Lippincott’s Pocket Neuroanatomy is a go-to reference, review, and study tool for neuroanatomy and neuroscience with a strong focus on ...
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  • Lippincott’s Pocket Neuroanatomy is a go-to reference, review, and study tool for neuroanatomy and neuroscience with a strong focus on high-yield topics and presentation. It presents the essential information needed for course and board exam review in a concise, quick-reference format with tables, full-color images, and bullet-point text. The book contains multiple features identifying the clinical significance of concepts, as well as mnemonics to aid in the retention of facts. An index of terms provides easy access to facts on all neuroanatomical structures and pathways. This pocket-sized reference intuits how students typically study for exams and provides highly distilled content in one easily portable source. It is ideal for medical, dental, allied health, and graduate school students and appropriate for courses in nursing, pre-pharmacy, pre-med, and kinesiology.

    Features include:
    • An introductory chapter on terminology and orientation to provide a concise overview of concepts
    • Clinically significant facts for practical application
    • Consistent presentation of information including descriptions of structures, connections, pathways, and functions
    • Learning aids such as mnemonics and analogies to help you remember important facts
    • A complete index of terms for quick reference
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    4.25 x 7.125
    Lippincott's Pocket Series
    Publication Date
    June 12, 2013
  • Douglas J. Gould PhD
    Professor in the Department of Foundational Medical Studies
    Chair of the Department of Foundational Medical Studies
    Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
    Rochester, MI 
    1. Overview of the Nervous System
    2. Sensory System
    3. Motor System
    4. Limbic System
    5. Chemical Senses
    6. Visual System
    7. Auditory and Vestibular System
    8. Cerebral Cortex

  • - An introductory chapter on terminology and orientation to provide a concise overview of concepts
    - Clinically significant facts for practical application
    - Consistent presentation of information including descriptions of structures, connections, pathways, and functions
    - Learning aids such as mnemonics and analogies to help you remember important facts
    - A complete index of terms for quick reference
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Lippincott's Pocket Neuroanatomy

Lippincott's Pocket Neuroanatomy

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451176124
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