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Offering a holistic, comprehensive understanding of essential skills grounded in compassionate patient care, Lippincott Textbook for Nursing Assistants: A Humanistic ...
Offering a holistic, comprehensive understanding of essential skills grounded in compassionate patient care, Lippincott Textbook for Nursing Assistants: A Humanistic Approach to Caregiving, 6th Edition, not only equips students for success as nursing assistants in any healthcare setting but empowers them to pursue career opportunities throughout the healthcare field.
Easy to read and rich with dynamic images and illustrations, this straightforward, conversational text clarifies the technical, communication, and critical thinking skills behind successful nursing assisting while fostering the humanistic perspective integral to meeting the individual needs of patients, residents, and clients. Proven learning aids throughout the text help students master critical information, accompanied by procedural guides and engaging exercises that reinforce clinical readiness.
The 6th edition has been significantly updated to make essential coverage more accessible and reflect the challenges students will encounter in today’s changing healthcare environment, from the latest developments in the management of communicable diseases to the impact of social issues on nursing practice. Advancing the humanistic approach for which the text is known, new content in each chapter helps students ensure respectful, inclusive patient care to all people.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Publication Date
May 30, 2023
Pamela J Carter RN, BSN, MEd, CNOR
Davis Applied Technology College, Kaysville, UT
Unit 1 Introduction to Health Care 1. The Health Care System 2. The Nursing Assistant 3. Professionalism and Job-Seeking Skills 4. Legal and Ethical Issues 5. Communication Skills 6. Those We Care For
Unit 2 Long-Term Care 7. Overview of Long-Term Care 8. The Long-Term Care Resident 9. Caring for People With Dementia
Unit 3 Infection Control 10. Communicable Disease 11. Common Communicable Diseases and Transmission in the Health Care Setting 12. Infection Control Measures
Unit 4 Safety 13. Workplace Safety 14. Patient Safety and Restraint Alternatives 15. Positioning, Lifting, and Transferring Patients and Residents 16. Basic First Aid and Emergency Care
Unit 5 Basic Patient and Resident Care 17. The Patient or Resident Environment 18. Admissions, Transfers, and Discharges 19. Bedmaking 20. Vital Signs, Height, and Weight 21. Comfort and Rest 22. Cleanliness and Hygiene 23. Grooming 24. Basic Nutrition 25. Assisting With Urinary and Bowel Elimination
Unit 6 Death and Dying 26. Caring for People Who Are Terminally Ill 27. Caring for People Who Are Dying
Unit 7Body Systems: Normal Function and the Effects of Aging and Disease 28. Basic Body Structure and Function 29. The Integumentary System 30. The Musculoskeletal System 31. The Respiratory System 32. The Cardiovascular System 33. The Nervous System 34. The Sensory System 35. The Endocrine System 36. The Digestive System 37. The Urinary System 38. The Reproductive System
Unit 8 Special Care Concerns 39. Caring for People With Rehabilitation Needs 40. Caring for People With Developmental Disabilities 41. Caring for People With Mental Illness 42. Caring for People With Cancer
Unit 9 Acute Care 43. Caring for Surgical Patients 44. Caring for Birthing Parents and Newborns 45. Caring for Pediatric Patients
Unit 10 Home Health Care 46. Introduction to Home Health Care 47. Safety and Infection Control in the Home Health Care Setting
Appendix A Answers to the What Did You Learn? Exercises Appendix B Introduction to the Language of Health Care Glossary Index
UPDATED! Revised and streamlined content incorporates the latest clinical practices, discoveries, advances, and clinical practices and keeps students focused on need-to-know concepts and skills.
NEW! Respectfeatures at the end of each unit foster awareness of diverse backgrounds and cultures and help students build inclusive relationships with patients, residents, and clients.
NEW! Updated nutrition and dietary recommendations reflect the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the related art and descriptions of MyPlate.
What Will You Learn? chapter openers introduce essential concepts at a glance.
End-of-chapterSummaries and What Did You Learn? exercises reinforce key chapter takeaways.
Procedures highlight important privacy, safety, infection control, and comfort concepts and guide students step by step through 79 common nursing assistant tasks.
Guidelines boxes emphasize “What You Do” and “Why You Do It” to reinforce understanding of key tasks.
Tell the Nurse! Notes alert students to observations that should be reported.
Stop and Think! Scenarios provide critical practice solving complex, real-world nursing situations.
Helping Hands and a Caring Heart: Focus on Humanistic Health Care boxes strengthen students’ empathy and help them meet the emotional, spiritual, and physical needs of patients and residents.
Concerns for Long-Term Care detail specific considerations for effective care in long-term settings.
Taking It to the Next Level: Advanced Skills callouts identify opportunities for further training and career advancement.
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