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Lippincott Nursing Procedures

Edition: 9
Publication Date:
September 2, 2022
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Confidently provide best practices in patient care, with the newly updated Lippincott® Nursing Procedures, 9th Edition. More than 400 entries ...
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  • Confidently provide best practices in patient care, with the newly updated Lippincott® Nursing Procedures, 9th Edition

    More than 400 entries offer detailed, evidence-based guidance on procedures ranging from the most basic patient care to assisting with intricate surgeries. The alphabetical organization allows you to quickly look up any procedure by name, and benefit from the clear, concise, step-by-step direction of nursing experts. Whether you’re a nursing student, are new to nursing, or are a seasoned practitioner, this is your go-to guide to the latest in expert care and positive outcomes. 
    Ensure a high level of nursing expertise with this practical, quick-reference guide.  This edition offers: 
    • NEW entries with evidence-based direction on: 
      • Ankle-brachial index calculation
      • Biohazardous waste handling
      • Cultural assessment  
      • Elastomeric pump use
      • Hazardous drug preparation and handling
      • Hazardous drug spill management
      • Nasal decolonization
      • Opioid withdrawal management
      • Post-traumatic stress disorder assessment
      • Prone positioning for the awake patient
      • Sepsis emergency patient care
      • Wound photography
    • Colored letter tabs at the top of each page that allow quick-and-easy locating of any entry 
    • Full-color photos and diagrams that illustrate procedure steps with a quick-read, bulleted format that walks you through each procedure
    • Practices based on clinical evidence—recent studies supporting best practices are cited
    • Colorful, eye-catching special alerts:
      • Nursing Alerts – Potentially dangerous actions or clinically significant findings related to a procedure 
      • Pediatric Alerts – Special precautions to take while treating infants, young children, and adolescents
      • Elder Alerts – Elder patient special needs
      • Hospital-Acquired Condition Alerts – Conditions the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have identified as events that may occur during hospitalization
    • Procedures presented in a structured how-to format:
      • Equipment – Types of equipment needed for procedure
      • Preparation of equipment – Guidance on preparing any needed equipment for procedure
      • Implementation – Step-by-step guidance for performing procedure
      • Special considerations – Factors to keep in mind that can affect the procedure
      • Troubleshooting – Methods for troubleshooting equipment issues, with step-by-step interventions
      • Patient teaching – Helpful tips, reminders, and follow-up instructions before patient discharge
      • Complications – Procedure-related complications to watch for
      • Documentation – Everything needed to document the procedure fully
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Publication Date
    September 2, 2022
  • Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • A
    Abdominal paracentesis, assisting 1
    Admission 3
    Admixture of drugs in a syringe 7
    Advance directives 9
    Airborne precautions 12
    Air-fluidized therapy bed use 15
    Alignment and pressure-reducing device application 17
    Ankle-brachial index calculation 19
    Antiembolism stocking application 21
    Aquapheresis 25
    Arterial and venous sheath removal 29
    Arterial pressure monitoring 32
    Arterial puncture for blood gas analysis 36
    Assessment techniques 38
    Autologous blood collection, preoperative 42
    Autologous blood transfusion, perioperative 44
    Automated external defibrillation 46
    Balloon valvuloplasty care 48
    Bariatric bed use 53
    Bed bath 54
    Bed-making, occupied 57
    Bed-making, unoccupied 59
    Bedpan and urinal use 62
    Bedside spirometry 64
    Biliary drainage catheter care 66
    Biohazardous waste handling 69
    Bispectral index monitoring 71
    Bladder ultrasonography 73
    Blood culture sample collection 75
    Blood glucose monitoring 78
    Blood pressure measurement 80
    Body jewelry removal 84
    Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, assisting 86
    Brain tissue oxygen monitoring and care 90
    Brain tissue oxygen monitoring device, insertion, assisting 91
    Bronchoscopy, assisting 94
    Buccal and sublingual drug administration 97
    Burn care 99
    Burn dressing application, biological and synthetic 105
    Cane use training 108
    Capillary blood gas sampling 110
    Carbon monoxide oximetry 111
    Cardiac monitoring 113
    Cardiac output measurement 118
    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, adult 121
    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, child 127
    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, infant 131
    Cardioversion, synchronized 133
    Care plan preparation 136
    Cast application 138
    Cast removal, assisting 142
    Central venous access catheter care 144
    Central venous pressure monitoring 155
    Cerebrospinal fluid drainage management 160
    Cervical collar application 162
    Chest physiotherapy 164
    Chest tube drainage system monitoring and care 169
    Chest tube drainage system setup 174
    Chest tube insertion, assisting 177
    Chest tube removal, assisting 181
    Closed-wound drain management 183
    Code management 185
    Cold application 191
    Colostomy and ileostomy care 194
    Colostomy irrigation 198
    Contact lens care 200
    Contact precautions 202
    Continent ileostomy care 207
    Continuous bladder irrigation 211
    Continuous positive airway pressure use 214
    Continuous renal replacement therapy 218
    Cricothyrotomy, assisting 222
    Crutches use training 225
    Cultural assessment 228
    Defibrillation 229
    Discharge 233
    Documentation 236
    Doppler ultrasound device use 238
    Droplet precautions 239
    Drug and alcohol specimen collection 242
    Dying patient care 245
    Eardrop instillation 248
    Ear irrigation 250
    Elastic compression bandage application 252
    Elastomeric pump use 254
    Electrical bone growth stimulation 259
    Electrocardiogram, 12-lead 261
    Electrocardiogram, posterior chest lead 264
    Electrocardiogram, right chest lead 266
    Electrocardiogram, signal-averaged 268
    Endoscopic therapy, assisting 270
    Endotracheal drug administration 273
    Endotracheal intubation 277
    Endotracheal tube care 282
    End-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring 286
    Enema administration 289
    Enteral gastric and duodenal feeding tube insertion and removal 292
    Enteral gastric, duodenal, and jejunal tube feedings 295
    Enteral gastrostomy and jejunostomy tube feeding and care 299
    Enteral tube drug instillation 303
    Epicardial pacing and care 306Epidural analgesic administration 310
    Esophagogastric tamponade tube care 315
    Esophagogastric tamponade tube insertion and removal 318
    External fixation management 322
    External urine collection device use 324
    External ventricular drain insertion, assisting 327
    Eye care 330
    Eye compress application 332
    Eye irrigation 334
    Eye medication administration 337
    Fall prevention and management 340
    Fecal impaction removal, digital 343
    Fecal occult blood tests 345
    Feeding 347
    Femoral compression device use 350
    Foot care 352
    Foreign-body airway obstruction management 354
    Functional assessment 357
    Gait belt use 359
    Gastric lavage 361
    Gastrostomy feeding button reinsertion 364
    Hair care 366
    Halo-vest traction management 367
    Hand hygiene 370
    Hazardous drug preparation and handling 373
    Hazardous drug spill management 376
    Hearing aid care 377
    Heat application 379
    Height and weight measurement 382
    Hemodialysis 385
    Hemoglobin testing, bedside 394
    Hip arthroplasty care 395
    Hour-of-sleep care 399
    Humidifier therapy 401
    Hyperthermia-hypothermia blanket use 404
    IM injection 407
    Impaired swallowing and aspiration precautions 411
    Implanted port use 415
    Incentive spirometry 425
    Incontinence management, fecal 427
    Incontinence management, urinary 429
    Indwelling urinary catheter care and removal 432
    Indwelling urinary catheter insertion 436
    Indwelling urinary catheter irrigation 440
    Intermittent infusion device drug administration 442
    Intermittent infusion device flushing and locking 446
    Intermittent infusion device insertion 448
    Intermittent urinary catheterization 452
    Internal fixation management 456
    Intra-abdominal pressure monitoring 460
    Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation 463
    Intracranial pressure monitoring 470
    Intradermal injection 476
    Intraosseous infusion 479
    Intrapleural drug administration 483
    Iontophoresis 486
    IV bolus injection 488
    IV catheter insertion and removal 492
    IV catheter maintenance 496
    IV infusion rates and manual control 501
    IV pump use 503
    IV secondary line drug infusion 506
    IV therapy preparation 510
    Jugular venous oxygen saturation monitoring 512
    Knee arthroplasty postprocedure care 515
    Laryngeal mask airway insertion 518
    Laser therapy, assisting 523
    Latex allergy precautions 525
    Lipid emulsion administration 526
    Low-air-loss therapy bed use 530
    Lumbar puncture, assisting 531
    Manual ventilation 534
    Massive infusion device use 536
    Mechanical ventilation, positive pressure 540
    Metered-dose inhaler use 545
    Mixed venous oxygen saturation monitoring 547
    Moderate sedation 549
    Mucus clearance device 553
    Nasal bridle insertion and removal 555
    Nasal decolonization 558
    Nasal irrigation 560
    Nasal medication administration 563
    Nasal packing, assisting 566
    Nasoenteric-decompression tube care 569
    Nasoenteric-decompression tube insertion and removal 571
    Nasogastric tube care 574
    Nasogastric tube insertion and removal 576
    Nasopharyngeal airway insertion and care 580
    Nebulizer therapy 582
    Negative-pressure wound therapy 586
    Nephrostomy and cystostomy tube dressing changes 590
    Neurologic assessment 592
    Nutritional screening 598
    Ommaya reservoir drug infusion 601
    Opioid withdrawal management 605
    Oral care 609
    Oral drug administration 612
    Organ donor, identification 615
    Oronasopharyngeal suctioning 616
    Oropharyngeal airway insertion and care 619
    Oxygen administration 621
    Pain management 626
    Parenteral nutrition administration 629
    Parenteral nutrition monitoring 633
    Passive range-of-motion exercises 636
    Patient-controlled analgesia 641
    Percutaneous coronary intervention care 644
    Pericardiocentesis, assisting 648
    Perineal care 651
    Peripherally inserted central catheter use 653
    Peripheral nerve stimulation 664
    Peritoneal dialysis 667
    Peritoneal lavage, assisting 672
    Permanent pacemaker care 676
    Personal protective equipment use 680
    Postmortem care 682
    Postoperative care 684
    Posttraumatic stress disorder assessment 688
    Preoperative care 690
    Preoperative skin preparation 693
    Pressure dressing application 695
    Pressure injury prevention 696
    Progressive ambulation 700
    Prone positioning 702
    Prone positioning for the awake patient 706
    Protective environment guidelines 707
    Pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary artery occlusion pressure monitoring 709
    Pulse amplitude monitoring 713
    Pulse assessment 714
    Pulse oximetry 717
    Radiation implant therapy 720
    Radiation therapy, external 722
    Radioactive iodine therapy 724
    Rectal suppository and ointment administration 726
    Rectal tube insertion and removal 728
    Residual limb care 730
    Respiration assessment 733
    Restraint application 735
    Ring removal 740
    Safe medication administration practices, general 743
    Seizure management 746
    Self-catheterization 750
    Sepsis, emergency patient care 752
    Sequential compression therapy 755
    Sexual assault examination 757
    Sharp debridement 760
    Shaving 762
    Sitz bath 764
    Skin biopsy, assisting 766
    Skin graft care 768
    Skin staple and clip removal 771
    Soaks 773
    Spiritual care 775
    Splint application 778
    Sponge bath 780
    Sputum collection 781
    Standard precautions 784
    Sterile technique, basic 786
    Stool specimen collection 789
    ST-segment monitoring 791
    Subcutaneous injection 793
    Subdermal drug implant insertion, assisting 796
    Surgical drain removal 798
    Surgical wound management 800
    Suture removal 803
    Swab specimen collection 805
    Temperature measurement 809
    Therapeutic bath 811
    Thoracentesis, assisting 813
    Thoracic electrical bioimpedance monitoring 816
    Topical skin drug application 818
    Tracheal cuff pressure measurement 820
    Tracheal suctioning, intubated patient 822
    Tracheostomy and ventilator speaking valve use 826
    Tracheostomy care 829
    Tracheotomy, assisting 834
    Transcranial Doppler monitoring 837
    Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 840
    Transcutaneous pacing 842
    Transdermal drug application 845
    Transducer system setup 847
    Transfer within a facility 850
    Transfusion of blood and blood products 852
    Transfusion reaction management 858
    Transvenous pacing 861
    Traumatic wound management 865
    Tub baths and showers 869
    Ultraviolet light therapy 871
    Unna boot application 873
    Urinary diversion stoma care 875
    Urine collection, 12- or 24-hour timed 879
    Urine glucose and ketone tests 881
    Urine pH measurement 882
    Urine specimen collection 884
    Urine straining, for calculi 887
    Vaginal medication administration 888
    Venipuncture 890
    Ventricular assist device care 893
    Volume-control set preparation 898
    Walker use training 900
    Water intoxication assessment 903
    Weaning a patient from a ventilator 904
    Wound dehiscence and evisceration management 907
    Wound irrigation 909
    Wound photography 911
    Z-track injection 913
    Index 917
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Lippincott Nursing Procedures

Lippincott Nursing Procedures

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