Featuring more than 800 high-quality, modern images, Lippincott® Atlas of Anatomy is a vibrantly colored regional atlas of human anatomy offering an unprecedented combination of visual aesthetic appeal and anatomical accuracy. A unique art style featuring bright colors, color coding of anatomical elements, judicious use of labeling, and no extraneous text make this book an ideal tool for students.
Each plate teaches specific structures and relationships—displayed using artistic techniques such as 'ghosting,' layering, and color coding—providing clear focus on important structures and resulting in easier and faster comprehension. This unique pedagogy, in combination with the beautiful art style, make this anatomy atlas the preferred choice for teaching and learning.
This updated new edition enhances students’ understanding of anatomical structures and relationships with many new and modified illustrations, new muscle tables, and convenient online access to tables summarizing key information for multiple anatomical structures. Packaged with the atlas is an interactive eBook version with all of the images, including fully searchable legends and labels and 'zoom and compare' features, as well as online labeling exercises that reinforce students’ understanding of newly learned concepts and structures.
More than 800 color illustrations—including 16 new and over 300 revised—reflect a variety of techniques to give students an unparalleled understanding of the most clinically relevant anatomical relationships.
New muscle tables clarify attachments, innervation and more.
A systems overview with summary illustrations helps you confidently guide students from surface anatomy and superficial features to deeper structures that support regional dissection sequences.
More than 30 clinical images—including x-rays and CT scans—enhance students’ clinical readiness with radiographic views of anatomy.
An interactive eBook simplifies review with instant access to all images with fully searchable legends and labels, zoom and compare features, and anatomy tables covering muscles, topographic anatomy, bones, joints, arteries, veins, lymphatics, nerves, fascia, and clinical terms for each chapter.
Online 'test yourself’ labeling exercises on selected plates allow students to test themselves on newly learned concepts and structures.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
August 15, 2019
Thomas R. Gest PhD
More than 800 color illustrations—including 16 new and over 300 revised—reflect a variety of techniques to give students an unparalleled understanding of the most clinically relevant anatomical relationships.
New muscle tables clarify attachments, innervation and more.
A systems overview with summary illustrations helps you confidently guide students from surface anatomy and superficial features to deeper structures that support regional dissection sequences.
More than 30 clinical images—including x-rays and CT scans—enhance students’ clinical readiness with radiographic views of anatomy.
An interactive eBook simplifies review with instant access to all images with fully searchable legends and labels, zoom and compare features, and anatomy tables covering muscles, topographic anatomy, bones, joints, arteries, veins, lymphatics, nerves, fascia, and clinical terms for each chapter.
Online 'test yourself’ labeling exercises on selected plates allow students to test themselves on newly learned concepts and structures.
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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