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Life in Emergistan

Publication Date:
January 31, 2019
This compilation of Dr. Edwin Leap's best-loved columns is a candid look inside the mind of an emergency physician, and ...
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  • This compilation of Dr. Edwin Leap's best-loved columns is a candid look inside the mind of an emergency physician, and as always, Dr. Leap is thought-provoking and compassionate, letting other emergency physicians know they're not alone.
    The Republic of Emergistan - what a place! If you've ever been to an emergency department as a patient or worked in an emergency department, you understand the bizarre geography, culture, customs, and populations of the vast country I have named Emergistan. It was there that I planted our standard: a vulture holding a stethoscope and syringe on a field of red for blood, green for pus, and blue for hypoxia. I claimed that wild land for all of us, although admittedly, I have named myself lifetime ruler.
    These columns touch on various aspects of, as the title says, life in Emergistan. Some funny, others touching, and still others just an attempt to express the struggles we face as we continue to try to settle our country, which is largely untamed despite our best efforts.
    I hope you find humor, meaning, or solace. Some readers may be offended; so be it. In the immortal words of an old, dear friend, "If you don't make somebody mad once a shift, you're not doing your job right."
    My life in Emergistan has been quite an adventure for the past 20 years that I've been practicing and for the past 14 years taht I've been writing my monthly column, Second Opinion, in Emergency Medicine News. I'm confident that it will remain a thrill, at least until I go native and disappear into the dark wilderness that is the Republic of Emergistan.
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    January 31, 2019
  • Edwin Leap
  • The Psychotic, Frantic, Tragic Republic of Emergistan
    Lost Proverbs of the ED
    "It's the Same Everwhere" and Other Indefensible Excuses
    Time-Out: "Is This the Meteor That's Going to Kill You?"
    Too Much Information, Too Little Time! (The First 90 Minutes of a Busy Afternoon)
    To My Children: Why I Work
    The Monsters of Poverty and Grief
    Revolutionizing EMS Code (20-203 Means Laceration From Opening Beer with Mouth)
    A Partnership of Like Minds
    The Difference Between a Customer and a Patient
    A Monkey Could Do This Job!
    Finding Wisdom Behind the Wheel of the Vacation Bible School Bus
    Let Go Of Guilt
    King of the Night
    Greetings from Your Friendly Emergency Physician
    "Just Go to the ER"
    The Scarlet Letter M
    The Odd, the Mysterious, the Inexplicable: Welcome to the ED
    A Treasure to Others
    The Call Schedule at Community General Hospital
    Two of the Worst Words of All: Not Now
    Medicine as Performance Art, Props and All
    Understanding Languages without the Translation Service
    The Problematic, Disposable Criminal, ER, Doctor
    Hieroglyphics 101 for the Medical Archeologist
    Pull out the Spear, Even If No One Else Will
    Emergeneuroloradiolodentipediatripsychiatrist on Duty
    The White Knights of Medicine
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Life in Emergistan

Life in Emergistan

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975123598
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