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Lewin, Weinstein and Riddell's Gastrointestinal Pathology and its Clinical Implications
Lewin Gastrointestinal Pathology and Its Clinical Implications , Second EditionThis comprehensive, two-volume resource highlights the practical aspects of the pathology of ...
Lewin Gastrointestinal Pathology and Its Clinical Implications , Second Edition This comprehensive, two-volume resource highlights the practical aspects of the pathology of biopsies and gross specimens, the clinical/pathological correlation, and differential diagnoses, and the ways in which these affect the management of patients with gastrointestinal disorders. The authors provide valuable insights on many important areas of gastrointestinal pathology, and openly address controversies within the specialty. This all-inclusive work stands alone in its illustrative quality and in its emphasis on the clinical implications of patient management as related to pathologic findings. The Second Edition has been completely revised to reflect two decades of advances in the field. The book’s focus on clinical/pathological correlations and differential diagnoses emphasizes their affect on patient management. Major revisions of the chapters on colitis and gastritis feature new approaches to treatment. Over 2100 full-color illustrations highlight pathologic features to sharpen diagnostic skills and guide treatment choices. NEW to the Second Edition…
Completely revised content reflects two decades of advances in the field.
Focus on clinical/pathological correlations and differential diagnoses emphasizes their affect on patient management
Major revisions of the chapters on colitis and gastritis feature new approaches to treatment.
Over 2100 full-color illustrations highlight pathologic features to sharpen diagnostic skills and guide treatment choices.
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, offering tablet, smartphone, or online access to:
Complete content with enhanced navigation
A powerful search that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
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Pick up your copy today!
Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
Publication Date
May 8, 2014
Robert Riddell MD
Dhanpat Jain MD
1. Dialogue, Handling of Biopsies and Resected Specimens 2. Vascular Disorders and Radiation Injury 3. Immunodeficiency Disorders 4. Lymphoproliferative Disorders 5. Endocrine Disorders 6. Neuromuscular and Neurologic Disorders 7. Mensenchymal Tumors 8. Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Extraintestinal Disorders and Systemic Disease 9. Normal Structures and Developmental Abnormalities: Esophagus 10. Inflammatory Disorders of the Esophagus: Reflux and Nonreflux Types 11. Polyps and Tumors 12. Normal Structures and Developmental Abnormalities: Stomach and Proximal Duodenum 13. Stomach and Proximal Duodenum: Inflammatory, Peptic Ulcer Disease and Misc. Disorders 14. Small Intestinal Polyps and Tumors 15. The Appendix 16. Small and Large Bowel Structure, Development and Mechanical Disorders 17. Small Bowel Disease 18. Inflammatory Bowel Disease 19. Enteric Infections and Associated Diseases 20. Misc. Diseases of the Small and Large Intestine 21. Large Bowel Polyps and Tumors 22. Anus
NEW to the Second Edition…
Completely revised content reflects two decades of advances in the field.
Focus on clinical/pathological correlations and differential diagnoses emphasizes their affect on patient management
Major revisions of the chapters on colitis and gastritis feature new approaches to treatment.
Over 2100 full-color illustrations highlight pathologic features to sharpen diagnostic skills and guide treatment choices.
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, offering tablet, smartphone, or online access to:
Complete content with enhanced navigation
A powerful search that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
' comprehensive book on GI pathology ' 'covers a wide spectrum of diseases in the GI tract' 'explain the clinical scenario for the disease, including pathogenesis , clinical classification , clinical management , recent research findings, and prognosis ' 'incorporates advances in the pathological diagnosis and clinical understanding of GI diseases and is a practical and well-illustrated resource for GI pathology.' -Doodys Publishers' Club, Friday, July 25, 2014
Lewin, Weinstein and Riddell's Gastrointestinal Pathology and its Clinical Implications
ISBN/ISSN: 9780781722162
USD $445.99 Quantity:
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