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Selected for an International Impact Book award, 2022!
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023!
New chapter on COVID-19 vaccines is available in the eBook version (free with purchase of the printed version)
Engaging, accessible, and filled with practical communication advice, Let’s Talk Vaccines helps you educate patients on the importance of life-saving vaccines using a patient-centered and empathetic approach. Covering everything from the science of vaccine safety to the psychology of risk communication, this essential guide includes real-life examples and thoughtful, evidence-based techniques that will help patients understand vaccines and make informed decisions. Ideal for primary care providers, pediatricians, family physicians, nurse practitioners, and public health advocates, it provides an excellent framework for how to approach difficult discussions, with the goal of improving the health of each patient as well as the community at large.
Directly addresses the increasing trend of parents choosing not to vaccinate their children, including the history and psychology of the anti-vaccine movement.
Examines the issues underlying vaccine hesitancy, answering the common questions and concerns that vaccine-hesitant patients may raise during office visits.
Helps you dispel myths and fears that many patients have, with particular attention paid to misinformation and skepticism on social media.
Covers the anti-vaccine movement’s assertions about autism, autoimmune illnesses and allergies, toxic ingredients, overwhelming the immune system, conspiracies, and more – bringing you up to date with the most common issues and effective approaches to the vaccine discussion.
Provides practical tips on approaching the vaccine-hesitant parent and how anti-vaccine patients change their minds, with a focus on remaining a positive partner in your patients’ care and finding greater success in your vaccination efforts.
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Directly addresses the increasing trend of parents choosing not to vaccinate their children, including the history and psychology of the anti-vaccine movement.
Examines the issues underlying vaccine hesitancy, answering the common questions and concerns that vaccine-hesitant patients may raise during office visits.
Helps you dispel myths and fears that many patients have, with particular attention paid to misinformation and skepticism on social media.
Covers the anti-vaccine movement’s assertions about autism, autoimmune illnesses and allergies, toxic ingredients, overwhelming the immune system, conspiracies, and more – bringing you up to date with the most common issues and effective approaches to the vaccine discussion.
Provides practical tips on approaching the vaccine-hesitant parent and how anti-vaccine patients change their minds, with a focus on remaining a positive partner in your patients’ care and finding greater success in your vaccination efforts.
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
“As more parents are choosing not to vaccinate their children—and more children are suffering outbreaks of preventable infections—clinicians and public health advocates have become desperate to find a way to convince parents that their fears of vaccines are ill founded. Enter Dr. Gretchen LaSalle, who has provided the first book designed to help. Full of wonderful information ranging from the science of vaccine safety to the psychology of risk communication, this book couldn’t have come at a better time.”
Paul A. Offit, MD Division of Infectious Diseases The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Author of Bad Advice: Or Why Celebrities, Politicians, and Activists Aren't Your Best Source of Health Information “Finally—the answers we need, right at our fingertips! As family physicians, we know how important vaccines are and we trust the science, but we need a practical resource to help us fully dispel the myths and fears that plague our patients, friends, and family members. Anyone caring for patients and communities needs a copy of this book!”
Jill Grimes, MD, FAAFP Author of Seductive Delusions: how everyday people catch STIs Editor-in-chief: Sexually Transmitted Disease: An Encyclopedia of Diseases, Prevention, Treatment and Issues University of Texas at Austin Student Health Services UMASS Medical School Clinical Instructor“‘I want to know why’ begins this amazing book for clinicians on how to respond to a patient’s refusal of vaccines. Dr. LaSalle takes us from the horror of infectious disease, through vaccine development, the dark “lie that started it all,” and then offers concrete methods to educate our patients. By understanding their apprehension, we can improve the health of each patient and the community at large. Let’s Talk Vaccines is the book to help you help your patients.
Frank J. Domino, M.D. Professor Editor: 5 Minute Clinical Consult Department of Family Medicine & Community Health University of Massachusetts Medical School
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