Official Journal of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America
Price Type:
Institutional subscriptions are print only and do not include online access. For online access, please contact Ovid.
Member pricing is for AAN members only. To become an AAN member, visit or call 800-361-0633 (outside North America call 301-223-2300).
*Institutional subscriptions are Print only and do not include online access. For online access, please contact Ovid.
The journal highlights important recent developments from the world's leading clinical and research institutions. The journal publishes peer-reviewed papers on the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric orthopedic disorders.
Product Format
Print Journal + Online Access
Publication Frequency
Published 6 times per year (Bimonthly)
Ashok N. Johari
Children's Orthopaedic Centre, Mumbai, India
--Peer-reviewed research articles --Review articles --Case reports related to the musculoskeletal system in children—with an emphasis on surgical considerations --"Current Controversies"—day to day issues of diagnosis, treatment and management --Guest edited topic-oriented reviews from leading pediatric orthopaedists
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