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Joint Motion, Muscle Length, and Function Assessment

A Research-Based Practical Guide
Edition: 2
Publication Date:
August 19, 2019
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Now in striking full color, this updated edition of Clarkson’s Joint Motion, Muscle Length, and Function Assessment: A Research-Based Practical ...
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  • Now in striking full color, this updated edition of Clarkson’s Joint Motion, Muscle Length, and Function Assessment: A Research-Based Practical Guide offers an accessible and comprehensive presentation of the clinical evaluation and functional application of joint range of motion. Throughout the book, easy-to understand discussions of different types of goniometers, alternate methods of assessment, the reliability and validity of other joint ROM tools, and contraindications and precautions prepare students for effective practice.
    A clear and concise writing style, outstanding illustration program, and built-in learning aids, including case studies, chapter objectives, and practical examination forms, make this an ideal resource for future physical and occupational therapists.
    • NEW! A four-color design featuring full-color photos and colorized line illustrations helps students master key techniques and anatomical structures.
    • NEW! A “Quick Find” TOC at the beginning of each chapter makes it easy for students to locate key information—ideal for study and review!
    • NEW! Practice Makes Perfect boxes and icons highlight the availability of online practical examination forms.
    • Unique coverage of joint ROM using the universal goniometer, a topic not typically covered in muscle testing textbooks, prepares students for successful practice.
    • Easy-to-understand coverage of the functional range of motion and functional movement patterns required for performance of daily activities at the joint enhances the presentation.
    • Outstanding line art depicts the therapist's hand and goniometer positions in relation to deep anatomical structures (bone and muscle) in the end positions of joint ROM measurement.

    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    August 19, 2019
  • Hazel Clarkson
  • Contents
    Principles and Methods
    Chapter 1
    Principles and Methods . . . . . 3
    Introduction to Principles and Methods 4
    Joint Range of Motion 5
    Assessment and Measurement of Joint
    Range of Motion 13
    Assessment and Measurement of Muscle
    Length 30
    Practice Makes Perfect 31
    Functional Application of Assessment
    of Joint Range of Motion 31
    Chapter 2
    Relating Assessment
    to Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
    Similar Assessment and Treatment
    Methods 42
    Key Steps When Applying Assessments and
    Treatments 42
    Examples of Similar Assessment and Treatment
    Methods 44
    Regional Evaluation Techniques
    Chapter 3
    Shoulder Complex . . . . . . . . 51
    Articulations and Movements 52
    Anatomical Landmarks 59
    Range of Motion Assessment and
    Measurement 61
    Muscle Length Assessment and Measurement 82
    Functional Application 84
    Chapter 4
    Elbow and Forearm . . . . . . . 95
    Articulations and Movements 96
    Anatomical Landmarks 99
    Range of Motion Assessment and Measurement 100
    Muscle Length Assessment and Measurement 110
    Functional Application 113
    Chapter 5
    Wrist and Hand . . . . . . . . . 125
    Articulations and Movements 126
    Anatomical Landmarks 133
    Range of Motion Assessment and Measurement 134
    Muscle Length Assessment and Measurement 154
    Functional Application 159
    Chapter 6
    Hip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
    Articulations and Movements 172
    Anatomical Landmarks 175
    Range of Motion Assessment and Measurement 177
    Muscle Length Assessment and Measurement 189
    Functional Application 197
    Chapter 7
    Knee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
    Articulations and Movements 206
    Anatomical Landmarks 209
    Range of Motion Assessment and Measurement 210
    Muscle Length Assessment and Measurement 215
    Functional Application 220
    Chapter 8
    Ankle and Foot . . . . . . . . . 229
    Articulations and Movements 230
    Anatomical Landmarks 233Range of Motion Assessment and Measurement 234
    Muscle Length Assessment and Measurement 251
    Functional Application 253
    Chapter 9
    Head, Neck, and Trunk . . 259
    Articulations and Movements: Head and Neck 261
    Anatomical Landmarks: Head and Neck 266
    Instrumentation and Measurement Procedures:
    TMJ and Spine 268
    Active Range of Motion Assessment and
    Measurement: Head and Neck 273
    Validity and Reliability: Measurement
    of the TMJ and Cervical Spine AROM 284
    Articulations and Movements: Trunk 285
    Anatomical Landmarks: Trunk 288
    Active Range of Motion Assessment and
    Measurement: Trunk 290
    Validity and Reliability: Measurement of the
    Thoracic and Lumbar Spine AROM 303
    Muscle Length Assessment and Measurement:
    Trunk 304
    Functional Application: Neck and Trunk 305
    Appendix A: Sample Numerical Recording
    Form: Range of Motion Assessment and
    Measurement 317
    Appendix B: Practice Makes Perfect–
    Summary & Evaluation Forms 323
    Appendix C: Summary of Patient Positioning
    for the Assessment and Measurement of Joint
    Range of Motion and Muscle Length 369
    Appendix D: Gait 373
    Appendix E: Answer Guides for Chapter
    Exercises and Questions 377
    Index 393
    • NEW! A four-color design featuring full-color photos and colorized line illustrations helps students master key techniques and anatomical structures.
    • NEW! A “Quick Find” TOC at the beginning of each chapter makes it easy for students to locate key information—ideal for study and review!
    • NEW! Practice Makes Perfect boxes and icons highlight the availability of online practical examination forms.
    • Unique coverage of joint ROM using the universal goniometer, a topic not typically covered in muscle testing textbooks, prepares students for successful practice.
    • Easy-to-understand coverage of the functional range of motion and functional movement patterns required for performance of daily activities at the joint enhances the presentation.
    • Outstanding line art depicts the therapist's hand and goniometer positions in relation to deep anatomical structures (bone and muscle) in the end positions of joint ROM measurement.

    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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Joint Motion, Muscle Length, and Function Assessment

Joint Motion, Muscle Length, and Function Assessment

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975112257
USD $69.99 Quantity :
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