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From basic spinal anatomy to the dynamics of back injuries, Ishmael’s Care of the Back, Sixth Edition, is a reliable, up-to-date source of information for your patients. This concise, practical patient education resource by Dr. Brian J. Krabak offers an easily accessible, evidence-based overview of back care, including valuable guidance on injury prevention and treatment—all in a handy, cost-effective booklet you can offer to your patients with confidence.
Provides clear descriptions of spinal structure, musculature, motion, and function
Emphasizes prevention (activity, stretches, strengthening exercises, and proper postures for common home and work activities) to help patients avoid potential back injuries
Features clearer, simplified anatomy illustrations; an improved, more readable layout and design; updated photographs of do’s and don’ts, new note-taking space; and an available eBook version
Offers treatment tips and therapeutic options to help alleviate pain, speed healing, and improve function—all in easy-to-understand language
Also available:
Krabak: Ishmael’s Care of the Neck, Fifth Edition
Krabak: Ishmael's Care of the Knee, Third Edition
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
November 3, 2023
Brian J. Krabak MD, MBA
Clinical Professor, Rehabilitation, Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
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