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International Collaboration in Translational Health Science

Publication Date:
February 4, 2019
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Health care, health research and improved health outcomes is of international interest and efforts to achieve better health for the ...
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  • Health care, health research and improved health outcomes is of international interest and efforts to achieve better health for the global community has been high on the agenda for some years. Calls to improve strategies for international linkages, particularly between developed and developing or low-income economies, are not new, but there is currently no model for how to effectively achieve this. International collaboration presents attractive opportunities for collegial interaction that have potential benefits for individuals and the broader community with regard to resolving global health issues. This book examines the issues related to international collaboration and translational science.
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    February 4, 2019
  • Zoe Jordan BA, MA
    Alan Pearson
  • 1. International Collaboration in Health Research
    2. Globalization and Collaboration
    3. Collaboration and "The Organization"
    4. A Model For International Collaboration in Health Research
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International Collaboration in Translational Health Science

International Collaboration in Translational Health Science

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975124250
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