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Instructional Course Lectures: Volume 72: eBook with Multimedia

Publication Date:
March 3, 2023
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Developed in partnership with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and edited by Brian J. Galinat, MD, MBA, FAAOS ...
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  • Developed in partnership with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and edited by Brian J. Galinat, MD, MBA, FAAOS (editor) and Ronald A. Navarro, MD, FAAOS (assistant editor),Instructional Course Lectures, Volume 72 offers current, clinically relevant information across a broad spectrum of orthopaedic topics. These lectures were written by the orthopaedic surgeons who presented at the 2022 AAOS Annual Meeting. This all-new volume covers topics such as increasing diversity in orthopaedics, controversies in total knee replacement, biologics and sports medicine, endoscopic spine surgery, and more.
    • Based on selected Instructional Course Lectures presented at the AAOS Annual Meeting 2022 in Chicago, Illinois
    • Offers hands-on, experience-based solutions, as well as guidance you can apply immediately in daily practice from the most respected surgeons and subspecialty experts in the field
    • Helps you lead innovation and raise the standard of care in your operating room with new techniques and proven, practical approaches
    • The VST Ebook features new video unique to ICL 72 as well as access to the ICL archive extending back to ICL 51 and all associated video 
    • Features abundant illustrations with radiographs, drawings, and intraoperative photographs and surgical technique videos for select chapters. Sections include:
    Practice Matters
    General Orthopaedics
    Shoulder and Elbow
    Adult Reconstruction
    Sports Medicine
    Foot and Ankle
    Hand and Wrist

    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    AAOS - American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
    Publication Date
    March 3, 2023
  • Brian Galinat MD
    Acknowledgments v
    Contributors vii
    Preface xxi
    Video Abstracts xxvii
    SECTION 1: Practice Matters
    1 Orthopaedics in the Real World: The
    Business and Legal Aspects of Employment
    in 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
    Michael P. Ast, MD, FAAOS, Sanjeev Bhatia, MD, FAAOS,
    Cynthia L. Emory, MD, MBA, FAAOS
    2 When the Physician Becomes the Patient:
    Considerations for Work, Life, and
    Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
    Miho J. Tanaka, MD, FAOA, Milton L. Routt, Jr, MD,
    Mary Lloyd Ireland, MD, FAAOS,
    Christopher M. Bono, MD, FAAOS
    3 Building Blocks of Wellness: Where Do We
    Start When Our Tasks Have No End? . . . . . . . 17
    Ghassan Farah, MD, Elan Volchenko, MD,
    Jennifer M. Weiss, MD, FAAOS, Jeffrey M. Smith, MD,
    FAAOS, FACS, Salma Mumuni, MD, Mark H. Gonzalez,
    MD, PhD, FAAOS, Alfonso Mejia, MD, MPH, FAAOS
    4 Leadership in Orthopaedic Surgery:
    Creating a Highly Effective Leader . . . . . . . . . . 29
    Karen Sutton, MD, FAAOS, Julia Retzky, MD,
    Asheesh Bedi, MD, FAAOS, CAPT Matthew T. Provencher,
    MD, MBA, MC, FAAOS, USNR (Ret.), Mary K. Mulcahey,
    5 Leading an Organization in the 21st Century:
    The Importance of Environmental
    Sustainability, Social Responsibility,
    and Good Governance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
    Kristy Weber, MD, FAAOS, M. Bradford Henley, MD,
    MBA, FAAOS, FACS, James Balaschak, MBA,
    Stuart L. Weinstein, MD, FAAOS
    6 Integrating Mental and Social Health in
    Orthopaedic Practice: The Time Is Now . . . . . 47
    Prakash Jayakumar, MD, PhD, Gloria Zhang, BS,
    Marc Swiontkowski, MD, Julie E. Adams, MD, MS, FAAOS,
    Richard Charles Mather III, MD, MBA, David Ring, MD, PhD,
    FAAOS, Seth Leopold, MD, FAAOS
    7 The Aging Surgeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
    R. Dale Blasier, MD, FRCS(C), FAAOS, MBA,
    Ralph B. Blasier, MD, JD
    8 Increasing Diversity in Orthopaedics:
    The Problem, Strategies, and Solutions . . . . . 79
    Rivka Ihejirika- Lomedico, MD, Jaysson Brooks, MD,
    Toni M. McLaurin, MD, MS, FAAOS, Kenneth A. Egol,
    MD, FAAOS, MaCalus V. Hogan, MD, MBA, FAAOS, Dawn
    LaPorte, MD, FAAOS, Christian Pean, MD, Kola Jegede, MD,
    Alysia K. Kemp, MD, Erica Taylor, MD, MBA, FAAOS,
    Joseph D. Zuckerman, MD, FAAOS, George Dyer, MD, FAAOS
    9 Innovation for Orthopaedic Surgeons . . . . . . 89
    Morteza Meftah, MD, Joseph C. McGinley, MD, PhD,
    Douglas Dew, MD, MBA, FAAOS, Michael Havig,
    MD, FAAOS, Arthur Kreitenberg, MD, FACS, FAAOS,
    Ashvin Dewan, MD, Vinod Dasa, MD, FAAOS
    SECTION 2: General Orthopaedics
    10 Practical Artificial Intelligence: Realistic Ways
    It Can Help Orthopaedic Surgeons and the
    Challenges It Will Face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
    Romil Shah, MD, Prakash Jayakumar, MD, PhD,
    Zoe Trutner, BA, Stefano Bini, MD, FAAOS
    11 Optimizing Outcomes By Optimizing
    Bone Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
    Julie E. Adams, MD, MS, FAAOS, Lori Fitton, PhD, APRN, CNP,
    Antonia F. Chen, MD, MBA, FAAOS,
    Lisa K. Cannada, MD, FAOA, FAAOSContents
    12 Soft- Tissue Masses: A Visual Guide to the
    Good, the Bad, and the Ugly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
    Ginger E. Holt, MD, FAAOS, Robert J. Wilson, MD, FAAOS,
    Nathan W. Mesko, MD, FAAOS, Cara A. Cipriano, MD,
    MSc, FAAOS
    13 Ultrasonography for the Busy Orthopaedic
    Surgeon: The Upper Extremity . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
    Abdul Kareem Zalikha, MD, Mouhanad M. El- Othmani,
    MD, Zachary Crespi, BS, MD, Kassem- Ali J. Abbas, MSc, BS,
    Georges Haidamous, MD, Zaid Altawil, MD,
    J. Antonio Bouffard, MD, Henry T. Goitz, MD, FAAOS
    14 Ultrasonography for the Busy
    Orthopaedic Surgeon: The Lower
    Extremity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
    Mouhanad M. El- Othmani, MD, Abdul Kareem
    Zalikha, MD, Zachary Crespi, BS, MD, Kassem- Ali J.
    Abbas, MSc, BS, Georges Haidamous, MD,
    Zaid Altawil, MD, Henry T. Goitz, MD, FAAOS,
    J. Antonio Bouffard, MD
    SECTION 3: Shoulder and Elbow
    15 Diagnosis and Management of Early
    Complications After Reverse Shoulder
    Arthroplasty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
    Ryan M. Cox, MD, Jay D. Keener, MD, FAAOS,
    Reza Omid, MD, FAAOS, Robert Z. Tashjian, MD, FAAOS,
    Surena Namdari, MD, MSc, FAAOS
    16 My Reverse Has Failed: Top Five
    Complications and How to Manage Them . . . 175
    William N. Levine, MD, FAAOS, Oke Anakwenze, MD,
    MBA, FAAOS, Mark A. Frankle, MD, FAAOS,
    Jay D. Keener, MD, FAAOS, Joaquin Sanchez- Sotelo, MD,
    PhD, FAAOS, Robert Z. Tashjian, MD, FAAOS
    17 Shoulder Arthroplasty Management in the
    Young Patient With Posterior Glenoid
    Erosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
    Suleiman Y. Sudah, MD, Mariano E. Menendez, MD,
    Grant E. Garrigues, MD, FAAOS
    18 Proximal Humerus Fractures: Leave
    It Alone, Fix It, Replace It? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
    Soheil Sabzevari, MD, H. Mike Kim, MD, Conor Smith,
    MD, Michael D. McKee, MD, FAAOS, FRCS(C),
    Rafael Serrano-Riera, MD, Daniel Porteny, MD,
    Lewis Shi, MD, FAAOS, Albert Lin, MD, FAAOS
    19 Emerging Treatment Options for Massive
    Rotator Cuff Tears: Biologic Tuberoplasty,
    Balloon Arthroplasty, Anterior Cable
    Reconstruction, Lower Trapezius Transfer . . . 223
    Raffy Mirzayan, MD, FAAOS, Joseph A. Abboud, MD, FAAOS,
    Paul M. Sethi, MD, FAAOS, Adam Z. Khan, MD,
    Ryan Lohre, MD, Michael Talamo, BS,
    Julio Ojea Quintana, BA, MS, Bassem Elhassan, MD, FAAOS
    SECTION 4: Adult Reconstruction
    20 Caliper- Verified Kinematically Aligned
    Total Knee Arthroplasty: Rationale, Targets,
    Accuracy, Balancing, Implant Survival, and
    Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
    Stephen M. Howell, MD, FAAOS, Maury L. Hull, PhD,
    Alexander J. Nedopil, MD, PhD, Charles Rivière, MD, PhD
    21 Unicondylar Knee Arthroplasty Made
    Simple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
    Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, FAAOS,
    Keith R. Berend, MD, FAAOS, David F. Dalury, MD, FAAOS,
    Adolph V. Lombardi, Jr, MD, FAAOS
    22 A Systematic Approach to Revision Total
    Knee Arthroplasty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
    Avi Vinayak Dravid, MSc, BA, Jonathan Tran, MD,
    Michael P. Ast, MD, FAAOS, Brett R. Levine, MD, MS, FAAOS,
    Giles R. Scuderi, MD, FAAOS, Neil P. Sheth, MD, FAAOS, FACS
    23 Hot Topics and Current Controversies in
    Total Knee Arthroplasty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
    William J. Maloney, MD, FAAOS, Robert L. Barrack, MD,
    FAAOS, Keith R. Berend, MD, FAAOS, Daniel J. Berry, MD,
    FAAOS, Craig J. Della Valle, MD, FAAOS, Antonia F.
    Chen, MD, MBA, FAAOS, David F. Dalury, MD, FAAOS,
    Fares S. Haddad, MD, FRCS, Jay R. Lieberman, MD,
    FAAOS, David J. Mayman, MD, FAAOS, Charles L. Nelson,
    MD, FAAOS, Mark W. Pagnano, MD, FAAOS
    24 Dual- Mobility Articulations in Total Hip
    Arthroplasty: A Durable Game Changer
    or the Next Cause for Concern? . . . . . . . . . . . 307
    Sebastien Lustig, MD, PhD, Atul F. Kamath, MD, MBA,
    FAAOS, P. Maxwell Courtney, MD, FAAOS,
    Gwo- Chin Lee, MD, FAAOS
    25 Rotational Instability and Complications
    Following Extracapsular Hip Fracture
    Fixation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
    Matthew L. Klima, DO, FACS, FAAOS, FAOAOContents
    SECTION 5: Trauma
    26 Compartment Syndrome: The Issues and
    Solutions You Need to Know About . . . . . . . 343
    Abdel- Rahman Lawendy, MD, PhD, FRCS(C),
    Jaclyn Kapilow, MD, Nathaniel E. Schaffer, MD, PhD,
    William T. Obremskey, MD, MPH, FAAOS,
    Midhat Patel, MD, Geoffrey W. Schemitsch, MD,
    Michael D. McKee, MD, FAAOS, FRCS(C),
    Emil H. Schemitsch, MD, FAAOS, FRCS(C)
    27 Femoral Neck Fractures in Young and
    Middle- Aged Adults: Pearls and Pitfalls . . . . 357
    John Gorczyca, MD, FAAOS,
    Utku Kandemir, MD, FAAOS, FACS
    28 Intertrochanteric Hip Fractures: Pearls and
    Pitfalls in Managing Difficult Fractures . . . . . 375
    Kisan Parikh, MD, Utku Kandemir, MD, FAAOS, FACS,
    Animesh Agarwal, MD, FAAOS
    29 Subtrochanteric Femur Fractures:
    Pearls and Pitfalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
    Abhishek Ganta, MD, Utku Kandemir, MD, FAAOS, FACS,
    Sanjit R. Konda, MD, FAAOS
    30 Difficult Diaphyseal Femur Fractures:
    Pearls and Pitfalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
    Utku Kandemir, MD, FAAOS, FACS, Abhinav Janghala, MD
    SECTION 6: Sports Medicine
    31 Incorporating Biologics Into Your Sports
    Medicine Practice: Who, What, When,
    Why, and How? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
    Hannah Bradsell, BS, Brian R. Waterman, MD, FAAOS,
    Drew Lansdown, MD, FAAOS, Mario Hevesi, MD, PhD,
    Kristofer Jones, MD, FAAOS, Rachel M. Frank, MD, FAAOS
    32 Treatment Following a First- Time Shoulder
    Dislocation: What Should I Do? . . . . . . . . . . . 445
    Ehab M. Nazzal, MD, Steven L. Bokshan, MD,
    Joseph C. Brinkman, MD, Edward Bowen, BA,
    Jonathan F. Dickens, MD, FAAOS, John M. Tokish, MD,
    FAAOS, Asheesh Bedi, MD, FAAOS, Albert Lin, MD, FAAOS
    33 What to Do When It Is Anterior Cruciate
    Ligament Reconstruction Number Two . . . . 461
    Ian D. Engler, MD, Emre Anil Özbek, MD,
    Mikalyn T. DeFoor, MD, Andrew J. Sheean, MD, FAAOS,
    Asheesh Bedi, MD, FAAOS, Volker Musahl, MD, FAAOS,
    Bryson P. Lesniak, MD, FAAOS
    34 Scope of the Problem: Ankle Arthroscopy . . . 477
    Gregory E. Lausé, MD, MS, Jeremy T. Smith, MD, FAAOS,
    Eric M. Bluman, MD, PhD, FAAOS, Elizabeth A. Martin, MD,
    MSc, FAAOS, Eric Giza, MD, FAAOS,
    Christopher P. Chiodo, MD, FAAOS
    35 Scope of the Problem: Tendoscopy and Small
    Joint Arthroscopy of the Foot and Ankle . . . . 491
    Lorraine A.T. Boakye, MD, Elizabeth A. Martin, MD, MSc,
    FAAOS, Christopher P. Chiodo, MD, FAAOS,
    Eric Giza, MD, FAAOS, Eric M. Bluman, MD, PhD, FAAOS,
    Jeremy T. Smith, MD, FAAOS
    SECTION 7: Foot and Ankle
    36 Midfoot Trauma: Let’s Get It Right the
    First Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
    Michael P. Clare, MD, FAAOS, Geoffrey I. Phillips, MD,
    FAAOS, Robert B. Anderson, MD, FAAOS,
    Andrew K. Sands, MD, FAAOS
    37 Fractures of the Talus and Pantalar
    Dislocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
    Erika Roddy, MD, Erik Magnuson, MD,
    Reza Firoozabadi, MD, FAAOS, Utku Kandemir, MD,
    38 Displaced Intra- articular Calcaneus
    Fractures: Extensile Lateral and Less
    Invasive Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
    Brian M. Weatherford, MD, FAAOS,
    Jacob Matz, MD, MSc, FRCS(C),
    Utku Kandemir, MD, FAAOS, FACS
    39 Surgical Treatment of the Flexible, Progressive
    Collapsing Foot: Deformities, Definitions,
    and Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
    Bonnie Y. Chien, MD, J. Turner Vosseller, MD, FAOA, FAAOS,
    Alastair Younger, MD, FAAOS, Justin Greisberg, MD, FAAOS
    SECTION 8: Hand and Wrist
    40 Dupuytren Disease: Surgical Tips,
    Optimizing Outcomes, and Cost
    Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
    Eric R. Wagner, MD, MS, FAAOS, Michael B. Gottschalk, MD,
    FAAOS, Anthony L. Karzon, MD, Alexander R. Graf, MD,
    Maureen A. O’Shaughnessy, MD, FAAOS, Nina Suh, MD,
    MSc, FAAOSContents
    41 Do You Really Need a Hand Surgeon?
    Distal Radius Fractures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
    Bhavik H. Patel, MD, Dmitriy Peresada, MD,
    Alfonso Mejia, MD, MPH, FAAOS
    42 Nerve Compression Syndromes of the
    Upper Extremity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
    Bhavik H. Patel, MD, Krishna C. Ravella, MD,
    Mark H. Gonzalez, MD, PhD, FAAOS
    43 Do You Really Need a Hand Surgeon?
    Common Tendinopathies of the Upper
    Extremity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
    Gautam Malhotra, MD, FAAOS
    44 Do You Really Need a Hand Surgeon?
    Hand Masses and Infections . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
    Steven Grindel, MD, FAAOS, Brendon Bauer, MD,
    Saurabh Mehta, MD, Shaomin Shi, MD, PhD
    45 Nerve Conditions of the Upper Limb:
    How Not to Miss or Mismanage . . . . . . . . . . . 627
    Julie E. Adams, MD, MS, FAAOS, John Fowler, MD, FAAOS,
    Meredith Osterman, MD, FAAOS, Scott Steinmann,
    SECTION 9: Pediatrics
    46 Common Pediatric Fractures for
    Community Orthopaedic Specialists:
    Fix Them or Ship Them? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
    Rasesh R. Desai, MD, MBBS, Viral V. Jain, MD, MS, MBBS,
    FAAOS, Rajul Gupta, MS, MBBS, Eric W. Edmonds, MD,
    FAOA, Shital N. Parikh, MD, FAAOS
    47 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip From
    Birth to Adolescence: Clear Indications
    and New Controversies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
    Stuart L. Weinstein, MD, FAAOS, Pablo G. Castañeda, MD,
    Wudbhav N. Sankar, MD, FAAOS, Hilary T. Campbell, MD,
    Raghav Badrinath, MD
    SECTION 10: Spine
    48 Endoscopic Spine Surgery: Advertisement
    or Game Changer? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675
    Philip Zakko, MD, Matthew Lipphardt, MD,
    Daniel K. Park, MD, FAAOS
    49 Biologics in Spine Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
    Elizabeth L. Lord, MD, Kyle Petersen, MD,
    Michelle Zabat, BA, Philipp Leucht, MD, FAAOS,
    Addisu Mesfin, MD, FAAOS, Charla Fischer, MD, FAAOS
    Index 703
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Instructional Course Lectures: Volume 72: eBook with Multimedia

Instructional Course Lectures: Volume 72: eBook with Multimedia

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