Prepare your students to access, manage, and present clinical data. Focusing on the information every nurse should know and capturing cutting-edge advances in a rapidly changing field, this practical text helps students build the communication and information literacy skills they need to integrate informatics into practice. This edition retains the key coverage of the previous edition, including office cloud computing software, interoperability, consumer informatics, telehealth, clinical information systems, social media use guidelines, and software and hardware developments, while offering new information and references throughout.
Highlights of the 6th Edition
Updated coverage of social media, mobile computing, new cloud-based resources, simulation technologies, as well as the latest information on the Affordable Care Act, Meaningful Use, and HIPAA ensures students have the latest information.
Built-in learning aids, including case studies, key terms, learning objectives, and—NEW to this edition—case-based learning activities integrated into the text, help students master the content.
Integrated QSEN scenarios stimulate critical thinking and help students develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to improve nursing quality and care.
Available with CoursePoint for Informatics and Nursing, 6th Edition Combining the world-class content of this text with Lippincott’s innovative learning tools in one easy-to-use digital environment, Lippincott CoursePoint transforms the teaching and learning experience, making the full spectrum of nursing education more approachable than ever for you and your students. This powerful solution is designed for the way students learn, providing didactic content in the context of real-life scenarios—at the exact moments when students are connecting theory to application. Features
Create an active learning environment that engages students of various learning styles.
Deliver a diverse array of content types—interactive learning modules, quizzes, and more—designed for today's interactive learners.
Address core concepts while inspiring critical thinking.
Reinforce understanding with instant SmartSense remediation links that connect students to the exact content they need at the precise moment they need it.
Analyze results and adapt teaching methods to better meet individual students’ strengths and weaknesses.
Empower students to learn at their own pace in an online environment available anytime, anywhere.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
7 x 9
Publication Date
September 6, 2018
Jeanne Sewell
Chapter 1 Introduction to Nursing Informatics: Managing Healthcare Information
Chapter 2 Essential Computer and Software Concepts
Chapter 3 Basic Computer Network Concepts
Chapter 4 Social and Professional Networking
Chapter 5 Authoring Scholarly Word Documents
Chapter 6 Authoring Scholarly Slide Presentations
Chapter 7 Mastering Spreadsheet Software to Assess Quality Outcomes
Chapter 8 Databases: Creating Information From Data
Chapter 9 Information Literacy: A Road to Evidence-Based Practice
Chapter 10 Finding Knowledge in the Digital Library Haystack
Chapter 11 Mobile Computing
Chapter 12 Informatics and Research
Chapter 13 Consumer Informatics Benefits
Chapter 14 The Empowered Consumer
Chapter 15 Interoperability at the National and the International Levels
Chapter 16 Nursing Documentation in the Age of the Electronic Health Record
Chapter 17 Nursing Informatics: Theoretical Basis, Education Program, and Profession
Chapter 18 Electronic Healthcare Information Systems, Electronic Health Records, and Meaningful Use
Chapter 19 Design Considerations for Healthcare Information Systems
Chapter 20 Quality Measures and Specialized Electronic Healthcare Information Systems
Chapter 21 Electronic Healthcare System Issues
Chapter 22 Telehealth Evolving Trends
Chapter 23 Educational Informatics: e-Learning
Chapter 24 Informatics in Management and Quality Improvement
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