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Infection Prevention in Athletes

Publication Date:
June 2, 2020
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Derived from protocols developed for the National Football League, Infection Prevention in Athletes outlines best practices and recommendations that are ...
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  • Derived from protocols developed for the National Football League, Infection Prevention in Athletes outlines best practices and recommendations that are designed to minimize the risk of infections among athletes. This unique resource provides concise, authoritative guidance for athletic training facilities on applying infection prevention practices typically provided in hospitals and outpatient clinics. You’ll find practical tips and real-world advice on preventing transmission of bacterial and viral infections in an environment of frequent skin injuries, close proximity of players, and frequent administration of routine medical care.
    • Offers clear guidance for today’s athletes, athletic trainers, and physicians from the team that teaches infection control and prevention to the NFL.
    • Covers best practices and recommendations for key areas of education, infection prevention, and cleaning and maintenance.
    • Assists teams in formulating policies related to player and staff education, hygiene, cleaning and disinfection, diagnosis and treatment of specific infections and conditions, and the management of infections among team members.
    • Helps readers devise protocols for assessing suitability to return to full team activities following treatment of common infections—including scientific evidence and rationale for recommendations when available.
    • Includes access to posters designed for display in the athletic training facility that promote best practices and infection prevention among athletes.
    • Includes a set of educational “trading cards” highlighting essential stats and information about some of the most common infections.
      Enrich Your Ebook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. 
    Product Format
    Paperback Spiralbound
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    June 2, 2020
  • Deverick Anderson MD, MPH
    Deverick Anderson MD, MPH
    • Offers clear guidance for today’s athletes, athletic trainers, and physicians from the team that teaches infection control and prevention to the NFL.
    • Covers best practices and recommendations for key areas of education, infection prevention, and cleaning and maintenance.
    • Assists teams in formulating policies related to player and staff education, hygiene, cleaning and disinfection, diagnosis and treatment of specific infections and conditions, and the management of infections among team members.
    • Helps readers devise protocols for assessing suitability to return to full team activities following treatment of common infections—including scientific evidence and rationale for recommendations when available.
    • Includes access to posters designed for display in the athletic training facility that promote best practices and infection prevention among athletes.
    • Includes a set of educational “trading cards” highlighting essential stats and information about some of the most common infections.

    Enrich Your Ebook Reading Experience

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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Infection Prevention in Athletes

Infection Prevention in Athletes

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975137243
USD $69.99 Quantity :
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