Human Radiation Injury is a concise but thorough presentation of known toxicities of radiation exposure in humans. This unique text is the only single reference available that studies the risks to humans from medical, environmental, and accidental or terrorist-related exposure to radiation. The chapters cover modern understanding of the molecular and cellular events involved in radiation injury, the known dose-effect relationships for human organ systems, and a full discussion of normal tissue toxicity related to therapeutic radiation. Recommended guidelines are outlined and the best available treatments following injury are also detailed.
A companion website offers the fully searchable text and an image bank.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
Publication Date
February 15, 2021
Dennis C. Shrieve MD, PhD
Professor of Radiation Oncology, Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology, Huntsman Cancer Hospital, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah
Jay Loeffler MD
Herman and Joan Suit Professor, Harvard Medical School; Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
1: Biology
2: Radiation Pathology Normal Tissue Injury
3: Normal Tissue Radiobiology
4: Fractionation
5: Agents Impacting Radiosensitivity
6: Co-Morbidities
7: Carcinogenesis
8: Atomic Bomb Survivors
9: Optimization of Treatment Delivery
10: Systemic Radiotherapy
11: Effects of Whole Body Exposure
12: Response to Radiologic Terrorism
13: Radiation Effects on Space Travel
14: Nuclear Power Plants
15: Embryo and Fetus
16: Brain Neurocognitive
17: Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis
18: Optic Nerve, Eye and Adnexa
19: Cranial Nerves
20: Brainstem
21: Spine
22: Peripheral Nerve
23: Brachial Plexus
24: Necrosis
25: Vascular Effects
26: Measures to Treat Radiation Injury in the CNS
27: Head and Neck
28: Lung
29: Cardiac
30: Liver
31: Kidney and Adrenal
32: Bladder, Prostate, and Urethra
33: Sexual Function
34: Testes
35: Ovary
36: Vagina
37: Esophagus
38: Small Bowel and Colon
39: Pancreas
40: Stomach
41: Rectum and Anus
42: Breast
43: Bone
44: Skin, Hair, Pigmentation, and Wound Healing
45: Treatment of Late Radiation Injury
--First complete reference on dose-related toxicities following radiosurgery or conventional radiotherapy --Deals with organ-specific effects of low dose as well as therapeutic radiation exposure --Includes information on best available treatments following injury
"The content of the individual chapters is outstanding." "The references are pertinent and largely comprehensive." "...the electronic version of the book is a magnificent addition that reduces the need for cross-referencing because a reader interested in a particular topic can find all occurrences throughout the text and figures. The electronic format is also a particularly useful tool to aid teaching. Indeed, the figures are usually superb, providing insight beyond that available in the text." "Overall, Human Radiation Injury is an excellent resource and a 'must have' for all practicing radiation oncologists and radiation biologists." Stephen L. Brown, Ph.D. Benjamin Movsas, M.D. Department of Radiation Oncology Henry Ford Hospital and Wayne State University Detroit, MI
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