This series extracts the most important information on each topic and presents it in a concise, uncluttered fashion to prepare students for the USMLE. High-Yield means exactly that! High-Yield Embryology, Fifth Edition provides a concentrated, efficient review of embryology material tested on the USMLE Step 1. Concepts are presented in a streamlined outline format with tables, diagrams, photos, and radiographs to clarify important material. In response to student feedback, the Fifth Edition features:
New and updated figures
Additional USMLE-style case studies at the end of each chapter
An expanded section on early development
Product Format
Vitalsource Fixed Layout eBook
High-Yield Series
Ronald W. Dudek PhD
Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, East Carolina University, Brody School of Medicine, Greenville, NC
Preface 1. Prefertilization Events'
I. Gametes (Oocytes and Spermatozoa)
II. Meiosis
III. Female Gametogenesis (Oogenesis)
IV. Hormonal Control of the Female Reproductive Cycle
V. Male Gametogenesis (Spermatogenesis)
VI. Clinical Considerations
2. Week 1 (Days 1-7)'
I. Overview
II. Fertilization
III. Cleavage
IV. Blastocyst Formation
V. Implantation
VI. Clinical Considerations
3. Week 2 (Days 8-14)'
I. Embryoblast
II. Trophoblast
III. Extraembryonic Mesoderm
IV. Clinical Considerations
4. Embryonic Period (Weeks 3-8)'
I. Introduction
II. Gastrulation
III. Clinical Considerations
5. Placenta, Amniotic Fluid, and Umbilical Cord'
I. Placenta
II. The Placenta as an Endocrine Organ
III. The Placental Membrane
IV. Amniotic Fluid
V. Umbilical Cord
VI. Vasculogenesis
VII. Hematopoiesis
VIII. Fetal Circulation
6. Cardiovascular System'
I. Formation of Heart Tube
II. Primitive Heart Tube Dilatations
III. The Aorticopulmonary (AP) Septum
IV. The Atrial Septum
V. The Atrioventricular (AV) Septum
VI. The Interventricular (IV) Septum
VII. Development of the Arterial System
VIII. Development of the Venous System
7. Digestive System'
I. Primitive Gut Tube
II. Foregut Derivatives
III. Midgut Derivatives
V. The Anal Canal
VI. Mesenteries
8. Urinary System'
I. Overview
II. The Pronephros
III. The Mesonephros
IV. The Metanephros
V. Development of the Metanephros
VI. Relative Ascent of the Kidneys
VII Blood Supply of the Kidneys
VIII. Development of the Urinary Bladder
IX. Clinical Considerations
9. Female Reproductive System'
I. The Indifferent Embryo
II. Development of the Gonads
III. Development of Genital Ducts
IV. Development of the Primordia of External Genitalia
V. Clinical Considerations
10. Male Reproductive System'
I. The Indifferent Embryo
II. Development of the Gonads
III. Development of the Genital Ducts
IV. Development of the Primordia of External Genitalia
V. Clinical Considerations
VI. Summary Table of Female and Male Reproductive Systems Development
11. Respiratory System'
I. Upper Respiratory System
II. Lower Respiratory System
III. Development of the Trachea
IV. Development of the Bronchi
V. Development of the Lungs
12. Head and Neck'
I. Pharyngeal Apparatus
II. Development of the Thyroid Gland
III. Development of the Tongue
IV. Development of the Face
V. Development of the Palate
VI. Clinical Considerations
13. Nervous System'
I. Development of the Neural Tube
II. Neural Crest Cells
III. Vesicle Development of the Neural Tube
IV. Development of the Spinal Cord
V. Development of the Hypophysis (Pituitary Gland)
VI. Congenital Malformations of the Central Nervous System
14. Ear'
I. Overview
II. The Internal Ear
III. The Membranous and Bony Labyrinths
IV. The Middle Ear
V. The External Ear
VI. Congenital Malformations of the Ear
15. Eye'
I. Development of the Optic Vesicle
II. Development of Other Eye Structures
abbreviated Table of Contents
--NEW! Enlarged figures --NEW! 3 new Case Studies --Clinical boxes and USMLE-style case studies --Includes radiographs/photographs of many congenital defects --Since most medical schools do not have a strong course in embryology, medical students want a quick, focused review book; this is the niche for High-Yield Embryology --Written from a clinical perspective to prepare students for clinical vignettes on the USMLE
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