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High-Yield Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health

Edition: 4
Publication Date:
March 1, 2013
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High-Yield™ Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health, Fourth Edition provides a concise review of the biostatistics concepts that are tested in ...
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  • High-Yield™ Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health, Fourth Edition provides a concise review of the biostatistics concepts that are tested in the USMLE Step 1. Information is presented in an easy-to-follow format, with High-Yield Points that help students focus on the most important USMLE Step 1 facts. The High-Yield™ outline format, with tables, diagrams, photographs, and images to clarify important material, provides a concentrated, efficient review for both course exams and the USMLE.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    High-Yield Series
    Publication Date
    March 1, 2013
  • Anthony N. Glaser MD, Ph.D
    Clinical Assistant Professor, Medical University of South Carolina; Private Practice of Family Medicine, Charleston, SC
  • ...... Statistical Symbols
    ...... Preface

    1 .... Descriptive Statistics
    Populations, samples, and elements
    Types of data
    Frequency distributions
    Measures of central tendency
    Measures of variability
    Z scores

    2 .... Inferential Statistics
    Statistics and parameters

    Estimating the mean of a population


    3 .... Hypothesis Testing
    Step 1: State the null and alternative hypotheses

    Step 2: Select the decision criterion a

    Step 3: Establish the critical values
    Step 4: Draw a random sample from the population and calculate the mean of that sample
    Step 5: Calculate the standard deviation ( S ) and estimated standard error of the sample ( sX_ )
    Step 6: Calculate the value of t that corresponds to the mean of the sample ( t calc)
    Step 7: Compare the calculated value of t with the critical values of t , and then accept or reject the null hypothesis
    The meaning of statistical significance
    Type I and type II errors
    Power of statistical tests
    Directional hypotheses
    Testing for differences between groups
    Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
    Nonparametric and distribution-free tests

    4 .... Correlational Techniques


    Choosing an appropriate inferential or correlational technique


    5 .... Research Methods
    Experimental studies

    Nonexperimental studies


    6 .... Statistics in Epidemiology

    Measurement of risk


    7 .... Statistics in Medical Decision Making


    Reference values

    Sensitivity and specificity

    Predictive values


    8 .... Ultra-High-Yield Review
    ...... Appendix: Exercise Answers
    ...... References
    ...... Index
  • --New chapter covers epidemiology and public health in greater detail
    --Memorable examples aid in understanding difficult concepts
    --Outline format provides a concentrated, efficient method of studying for both course exams and the USMLE
    --Diagrams, photographs and images are included to clarify technical material
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High-Yield Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health

High-Yield Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451130171
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