Revised and updated for its Second Edition, this popular manual is a concise yet complete quick reference for the evaluation and treatment of physical disabilities. Experts from leading institutions present very practical, problem-oriented guidelines in 23 topic areas. Topics are listed alphabetically by general diagnosis and chapters have a consistent, easy-to-follow organization. This edition's brand-new chapter on manual medicine covers evaluation and diagnosis; formulation of the physical therapy prescription; follow-up; stretch vs. strength vs. limitation of activities; and time frames for each step of the treatment plan. Other new chapters cover pediatric rehabilitation, geriatric rehabilitation, and prosthetics and orthotics.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
4 3/8 x 8
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Handbook Series
Publication Date
May 5, 2003
Susan J. Garrison MD
Associate Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Medical Director, Rehabilitation Center, The Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Philosophy, Patient Care Issues, and Physiatric Evaluation . . . 1 Ramakrishna K. Gadi and David X. Cifu
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Handbook of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Basics
ISBN/ISSN: 9780781744348
USD $89.99 Quantity:
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