The updated 5th edition of the Handbook of Dialysis is full of evidence-based, practical information on all aspects of dialysis training and therapy. Authored by international nephrology experts, each chapter addresses a different area of the clinical realities of patient management. Topics include screening, diagnosis and management of dialysis patients, including diagnostic work-ups, patient safety, and patient monitoring issues in acute dialysis and hemodialysis cases. This is the essential dialysis manual, filled with up-to-date dialysis information, including preparation, procedures, surgery, problems and side-effects.
NEW expanded coverage of vascular access placement and management
NEW discussion of urgent start peritoneal dialysis
NEW chapter on practical implementation of sorbent dialysis
NEW updated section on home and intensive hemodialysis therapies
Coverage of topics including: peritoneal dialysis, acute dialysis, hemodiafiltration, home and intensive dialysis, blood-based therapies, the physiology of peritoneal dialysis, diabetes, hypertension, optimal management of anemia, infections, nutrition, mineral bone disorder, and much more!
Quick-reference outline format
Content illustrated with tables, diagrams and charts
Your book purchase includes an eBook version created for Android, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, PC, & Mac. This eBook features:
Complete content with enhanced navigation
A powerful search tool that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
Quick-reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
4.375 x 8
Publication Date
November 14, 2014
John T. Daugirdas MD
Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
Peter G. Blake MB, FRCPC, FRCPI
Professor of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, Chair of Nephrology, London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario, Canada
Todd S. Ing MB, FRCP
Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University Chicago, Maywood, IL
NEW expanded coverage of vascular access placement and management
NEW discussion of urgent start peritoneal dialysis
NEW chapter on practical implementation of sorbent dialysis
NEW updated section on home and intensive hemodialysis therapies
Coverage of topics including: peritoneal dialysis, acute dialysis, hemodiafiltration, home and intensive dialysis, blood-based therapies, the physiology of peritoneal dialysis, diabetes, hypertension, optimal management of anemia, infections, nutrition, mineral bone disorder, and much more!
Quick-reference outline format
Content illustrated with tables, diagrams and charts
Your book purchase includes an eBook version created for Android, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, PC, & Mac. This eBook features:
Complete content with enhanced navigation
A powerful search tool that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
Quick-reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Doody's Review Service Review by Sumit Narula, MD (University of Kentucky College of Medicine) This is the fifth edition of a concise, yet comprehensive review of all the modalities of dialysis and associated complications and clinical management. The ebook version that accompanies the book is user friendly and covers most of the information in the book. The goal is to provide a review of the commonly used dialysis modalities and management of associated issues. The book begins with a chapter on evaluation of predialysis patients, followed by thorough discussions of dialysis physiology, various dialysis modalities, and dialysis catheter complications. Finally, it addresses common psychosocial and medical conditions afflicting dialysis patients.
This will be an excellent tool for residents, renal fellows, general nephrologists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and internists . The book provides con cise yet thorough information on the management of dialysis patients based on current evidence and practice guidelines. It also covers dialysis management in children and during pregnancy and includes a chapter on the management of bone disease. The 40 chapters are divided into four parts. The first part discusses management of advanced CKD patients and their transition into dialysis, renal transplant, or palliative care. The next 18 chapters discuss the basics of hemodialysis and dialysis access, followed by complications. The next part has extensive discussions of peritoneal dialysis, while the final part addresses the medical conditions and psychosocial issues affecting dialysis patients. Each chapter provides a concise though complete description of dialysis with its associated condition with tables and pathological figures where appropriate. All chapters include references and suggested readings. As the name suggests, the handbook delivers precise information on all aspects of dialysis. Simple tables and figures are used appropriately and increase the ease of reading. Although this book is well known in the nephrology community, it will be a useful tool for nurse practitioners and physician assistants for understanding the core concepts of the various modalities of dialysis. Care of dialysis patients requires a multifaceted approach and the handbook serves its purpose by covering all the important aspects that concern dialysis patients. The attempt to compare delivery of dialysis internationally also broadens the knowledge base and deepens understanding of dialysis patient management . I would recommend this book to anyone who aspires to completely grasp the basic as well as advanced concepts for management of dialysis patients.
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