Pediatric neurology presents so many challenges unique to young patients that it is in many ways a very different discipline from adult neurology. To help readers address these challenges, the Handbook of Pediatric Neurology uses a handy pocket format and streamlined organization to address the management of hospital- and clinic-based pediatric neurological work-up, diagnosis, and management. This practical handbook will appeal not only to pediatric neurologists, but also to pediatricians, adult neurologists and internal medicine physicians. • Timely coverage helps readers keep pace with the rapidly changing diagnostic tools, medications, and interventions. • Summary and outline format allows readers to access essential facts at a glance. • Practical organization presents each category of disorder, along with a focused differential diagnosis and clear management guidelines. • References provide guides to further investigation.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
5 x 8
Publication Date
November 6, 2013
Katherine Sims
Jurriaan Peters
Patricia Musolino
M. Zelime Elibol
• Timely coverage helps readers keep pace with the rapidly changing diagnostic tools, medications, and interventions. • Summary and outline format allows readers to access essential facts at a glance. • Practical organization presents each category of disorder, along with a focused differential diagnosis and clear management guidelines. • References provide guides to further investigation.
'resonably sized handbook that covers the entire field of pediatric neurology' 'covers virtually all of the major topics that present as emergencies' 'well written primarily by a Boston Harvard based team of pediatric neurology experts' ' uniform format including helpful tables, line drawings, and MRI images' 'new genes for pediatric neurology disorders are turning nearly everyday, and this text gives excellent coverage of that area ' - Book reviwed by Michael V. Johnston, MD, Professor of Neurology
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