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Anatomy, Examination, and Diagnosis
Edition: 4
Publication Date:
July 20, 2011
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Effective management of the human hand depends on accurate diagnosis. To perform a successful examination, medical personnel need a sound ...
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  • Effective management of the human hand depends on accurate diagnosis. To perform a successful examination, medical personnel need a sound knowledge of the anatomical principles relevant to this complex structure. The Hand: Anatomy, Examination, and Diagnosis , Fourth Edition provides that vital information.
    Published in partnership with the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, this concise, pocket-size manual is a practical guide to evaluating a wide variety of common hand injuries and diseases. This clearly written, thoroughly researched, full-color book will be invaluable to orthopaedic, plastic, hand, and general surgeons, as well as emergency room physicians, family physicians, physical therapists, medical students, and nurses.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    4.25 x 7.125
    Publication Date
    July 20, 2011
  • Ghazi M. Rayan MD

    Clinical Professor Orthopedic Surgery, University of Oklahoma; Adjunct Professor of Anatomy/Cell Biology, University of Oklahoma; Director of Oklahoma Hand Surgery Fellowship Program; Chair, Division of Hand Surgery, INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center, Oklahoma City, OK

    Edward Akelman MD
    Education Division Director, University Orthopedics, Inc., Providence, RI
  • Part I: Introduction
    1 The Hand and Hand Surgery 1
    Part II: Anatomy
    2 Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics 7
    3 Perionychium 19
    4 Skin 22
    5 Subcutaneous Tissue 27
    6 Deep Fascia 30
    7 Hand Spaces 35
    8 Vascular System 40
    9 Peripheral Nervous System 47
    10 Musculotendinous System 57
    11 Retinacular System 69
    12 Syndesmotic System 77
    13 Osseous Anatomy of the Hand and Wrist Biomechanics 88

    Part III: Examination and Clinical Conditions
    14 History Taking and Examination of the Hand 99
    15 Peronychium 110
    16 Skin 115
    17 Subcutaneous Tissue 131
    18 Deep Fascia 139
    19 Hand Spaces 147
    20 Vascular System 157
    21 Peripheral Nervous System 170
    22 Musculotendinous System 184
    23 Retinacular System 197
    24 Syndesmotic System 205
    25 Hand and Wrist Bones 220
    • Full-color line drawings and photographs
    • The interior design has been completely overhauled; this edition is in full color for the first time
    • The anatomy content can be found in its own section, rather than scattered throughout the text
    • An appendix section provides a list of Abbreviations and recommended readings

    • Online access to a video entitled Hand Anatomy and Its Relation to Injury and Disease
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