This new chart provides accurate and easy-to-understand instruction on sanitizing hands in the health care workplace. It is a valuable resource for everyone who works with patients, comes in contact with sick people or wants to prevent the spread of infection. Covers why hand hygiene is so important and when to practice hand hygiene. Clear illustrations and text show and describe both hand rubbing and hand washing techniques. Also contains reminders and tips. Size 20" x 26" Laminated with 2 grommets at top for easy hanging made in USA
Product Format
Trim Size
20 x 26
Anatomical Chart Company
C. Glen Mayhall MD
Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, The University of Texas Medical Branch and Clinics at Galveston, and Hospital Epidemiologist, Department of Healthcare Epidemiology, The University of Texas Medical Branch Hospitals and Clinics, Galveston, TX
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