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Guideline Adaptation: Conducting Systematic, Exhaustive, and Reproducible Searches

Publication Date:
February 4, 2019
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Clinical policy regarding the management of health conditions has historically been driven by knowledge and experience of healthcare professionals. Evidence-based ...
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  • Clinical policy regarding the management of health conditions has historically been driven by knowledge and experience of healthcare professionals. Evidence-based practice posits that a health care professional must include and combine the best available evidence, with clinical expertise and the patient's for treatment. This book will outline how to develop clinical practice guidelines and how to use and conduct systematic, exhaustive, and reproducible searches
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    February 4, 2019
  • Amanda Ross-White
    Patricia Oakley
    Craig Lockwood
  • 1. Introduction to Clinical Practice Guidelines
    2. Planning a Systematic and Transparent Search
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Guideline Adaptation: Conducting Systematic, Exhaustive, and Reproducible Searches

Guideline Adaptation: Conducting Systematic, Exhaustive, and Reproducible Searches

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975124304
USD $19.99 Quantity :
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