Prepare for success on the gastrointestinal imaging component of the radiology Core Exam! Gastrointestinal Imaging: A Core Review, 2nd Edition, is an up-to-date, practical review tool written specifically for the Core Exam. This helpful resource covers the wide variety of organs and contains 300 image-rich, multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations of right and wrong answers, fully revised content, high-yield tables and figures for easy review, and additional eBook questions to ensure you’re ready for the Core Exam and Certifying Exam.
Features questions in all exam areas, including anatomy, image-based diagnosis, disease management, postoperative complications, image acquisition physics, and artifacts. Accompanies each question with high-quality radiographs, fluoroscopic, CT, MR, or ultrasound images.
Provides concise answers with explanations of each choice followed by relevant, up-to-date references.
Follows the structure and content of what you’ll encounter on the test, conveniently organized by topic.
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Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
A Core Review
Publication Date
August 20, 2021
Wendy C. Hsu MD
Co-Director, Radiology Residency Program Virginia Mason Medical Center Department of Radiology Seattle, Washington
Felicia P. Cummings MD
Virginia Mason Medical Center Department of Radiology Seattle, Washington
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