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Fundamentals of Sleep Technology

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
March 19, 2019
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Endorsed by the American Association of Sleep Technologists (AAST) and widely used as the go-to text in the field, Fundamentals ...
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  • Endorsed by the American Association of Sleep Technologists (AAST) and widely used as the go-to text in the field, Fundamentals of Sleep Technology, 3rd Edition, provides comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of polysomnography and other technologies in the evaluation and management of sleep disorders in adults and children. This edition has been extensively updated and expanded to reflect current practice, the latest technology, and the broader roles and responsibilities of the sleep technologist. Content is enhanced with new illustrations, tables, and treatment algorithms. This textbook, written by and for sleep technologists, is the ideal resource for those practicing in the field of sleep medicine or preparing for credentialing exams in sleep technology.
    • Chapters begin with Learning Objectives and Key Terms defined in the extensive Glossary
    • Key new chapters: Inpatient Assessment and Monitoring Program; Home Sleep Apnea Testing; Personalizing Selection of Interfaces; Telemedicine; Surgical and Other Interventions for Obstructive Sleep Apnea; Infant Sleep Management; and several chapters on new roles/responsibilities for sleep technologists
    • Major sections include: Anatomy and Physiology, Sleep Disorders and Disorders that Affect Sleep, Patient Care and Assessment, Adult Polysomnography, Pediatrics, and Interventions and Therapeutics
    • New expanded section on Sleep Center Management now appears in the expanded eBook and offers comprehensive coverage of organization and environment of a state-of-the-art sleep facility including policies/procedures, personnel, and ethics and professionalism
    • Discusses therapeutic interventions including positive airway pressure, oxygen administration surgical and pharmacologic treatments, and patient education
    • Appendix provides new and expanded algorithms and charts, including: Trouble-shooting EEG artifacts, CPAP titration for OSA patient; diagnoses and management of numerous sleep disorders; examples of sleep reports; sample epochs demonstrating sleep stages, respiratory events, cardiac arrhythmias, movement/PLMS events, artifacts, and seizures ( Appendix now included in the eBook that accompanies the text )
    • Offers in-depth reviews and illustrations of the neurophysiology and cardiopulmonary aspects of sleep, along with the pathophysiology of sleep disorders
    Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience:
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    March 19, 2019
  • Teofilo L. Lee-Chiong, Jr. MD
    Assistant Professor, Director of Sleep Disorders Center, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR
    Cynthia Mattice MS, RPSGT, RST
    Director of Sleep Operations, The Sleep Clinic, Oklahoma City, OK
    Rita Brooks MEd, R EEG/EP T
    Director of Diagnostic Services and Clinical Informatics, Capital Health System, Trenton, NJ
  • Contents
    Preface v
    Acknowledgements and Dedication vi
    Contributors vii
    Associate Editors xii
    SECTION I Overview of Sleep Medicine 1
    chapter 1 Sleep Technology: Past, Present, and Future 2
    Jon W. Atkinson
    chapter 2 Sleep Technology: A Global Perspective 10
    Tripat Deep Singh
    chapter 3 Modern Sleep Medicine 23
    Sharon A. Keenan and Robin E. Foster
    SECTION 11 Anatomy and Physiology 29
    chapter 4 The Biologic, Anatomic, and Physiologic Aspects of the
    Biopotentials of Sleep 30
    Regina Patrick
    chapter 5 Regulating Sleep and Waking—Circadian and Homeostasis 45
    David F. Wolfe
    chapter 6 Sleep Deprivation 48
    Lisa M. Bond
    chapter 7 Respiratory Anatomy and Physiology 62
    David F. Wolfe
    chapter 8 Oxygen and Gas Exchange in the Body 80
    Stephen Tarnoczy
    chapter 9 Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology 85
    Michael R. Furgason
    chapter 10 General Human Physiology for the Sleep Technologist 93
    Regina Patrick
    chapter 11 Sleep across the Life Cycle 1 15
    Debra A. Guerrero
    SECTION 111 Sleep Disorders and Disorders that Affect Sleep 121
    chapter 12 Obstructive Sleep Apnea 122
    Elise A. Maher and Lawrence J. Epstein
    chapter 13 Central Sleep Apnea 136
    Laura A. Linley
    chapter 14 Hypoventilation Syndromes 144
    Joyce M. Black
    chapter 15 Insomnia 154
    Robert N. Turner
    chapter 16 Central Disorders of Hypersomnolence 162
    Rui M. de Sousa and Tamara Kaye Sellmanxiv CONTENTS
    chapter 17 Circadian Rhythms and Circadian Rhythm Sleep–Wake
    Disorders 189
    Chad Whittlef and Katherine M. Sharkey
    chapter 18 Parasomnias 205
    Sonya Abercrombie and Joseph W. Anderson
    chapter 19 Restless Legs Syndrome and Periodic Limb Movement Disorder 213
    Joseph W. Anderson
    chapter 20 Movement Disorders 226
    Matthew Lee Uhles and Raman K. Malhotra
    chapter 21 Sleep and Respiratory Disorders 247
    Aleshia L. Dorst
    chapter 22 Impact of Vascular Disorders on Sleep 252
    Jennifer Parr-Christmas, Monica M. Henderson, James D. Geyer, and
    Paul R. Carney
    chapter 23 Sleep and Other Medical Disorders 257
    Theresa A. Krupski
    chapter 24 Seizures and Sleep 275
    Amy Korn-Reavis and David A. Davis
    chapter 25 Impact of Degenerative Disorders on Sleep 289
    Monica M. Henderson, Jennifer Parr-Christmas, James D. Geyer, and
    Paul R. Carney
    chapter 26 Psychiatric Disorders That Affect Sleep 298
    Rochelle Zozula and Rita Brooks
    SECTION 1V Patient Care and Assessment 311
    chapter 27 Patient Rights and the Provision of Sleep Medicine 312
    Jayme R. Matchinski
    chapter 28 Patient and Employee Safety 324
    Mary Kay Hobby
    chapter 29 Patient Interviewing and Assessment 339
    Kimberly A. Trotter
    chapter 30 Preoperative Assessment and Perioperative Monitoring 349
    Danieliza Juniis-Johnson and Kristina Weaver
    chapter 31 Developing a Program for Identifying, Assessing, and Managing
    Hospitalized Patients for Sleep-Disordered Breathing 362
    Renea Davis
    chapter 32 Medications and Their Effect on Sleep and Sleep Disorders 367
    Debbie Akers, Janet Pruett, J. Catesby Ware, and Robert D. Vorona
    chapter 33 Sleep Apps and Personal Tracking Devices 379
    Lauren Tribou
    SECTION V Adult Polysomnography 385
    chapter 34 Digital Polysomnography 386
    Frank Walther
    chapter 35 Recording the Biopotentials of Sleep 399
    Regina Patrick
    chapter 36 Preparing the Patient for Polysomnography 425CONTENTS xv
    chapter 37 Polysomnographic Recording Procedures 441
    Eileen B. Leary
    chapter 38 Adult Sleep Scoring 457
    Harry Whitmore and Rita Brooks
    chapter 39 Scoring Respiratory Events 478
    Laree J. Fordyce
    chapter 40 Understanding Cardiac Arrhythmias 487
    Jon W. Atkinson
    chapter 41 Scoring Movement Rules 506
    Laree J. Fordyce
    chapter 42 Generating the Polysomnography Report 514
    Jon W. Atkinson
    chapter 43 Multiple Sleep Latency Test and Maintenance of Wakefulness Test 545
    David Moore and S. Justin Thomas
    chapter 44 Home Sleep Apnea Testing 552
    Susan Purdy and Richard B. Berry
    chapter 45 Actigraphy 571
    Su Jeong Linstrom and Lisa J. Meltzer
    SECTION V1 Interventions and Therapeutics 579
    chapter 46 Positive Airway Pressure Therapy: Basic Principles 580
    Matthew W. Anastasi
    chapter 47 Personalizing the Selection of Interfaces 588
    Cheryl Thomas-Yvanauskas
    chapter 48 Titration of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure and Bilevel Positive
    Airw a y Pressure 593
    Cheryl Thomas-Yvanauskas, Harry Whitmore, and Richard S. Rosenberg
    chapter 49 Advanced Positive Airway Pressure Therapies for Sleep-Disordered
    Breathing 60 3
    Zack Freeman and Saad S. Ahmad
    chapter 50 Noninvasive Ventilation in Patients with Respiratory or
    Neuromuscular Disease 608
    John Seymour
    chapter 51 Oxygen Administration in the Sleep Center 624
    Thomas Russell
    chapter 52 Dental Sleep Medicine: Oral Appliance Therapy and Titration
    Management 633
    Shawn Kimbro
    chapter 53 Technical–Surgical Interventions for Sleep Apnea 639
    Edwin M. Valladares
    chapter 54 Other Therapies for Obstructive Sleep Apnea 647
    Zack Freeman and Saad S. Ahmad
    SECTION VII Patient Management 659
    chapter 55 Sleep Health Educator and Patient Self-Management:
    The Connection 660
    Robyn V. Woidtke
    chapter 56 Developing and Maintaining Therapeutic Compliance 668xvi CONTENTS
    chapter 57 At Home Positive Airway Pressure Follow-Up: Therapy Assessment Tools,
    Interventions, and Equipment Maintenance 683
    Laura S. Lehnert
    chapter 58 Treatment for Insomnia 691
    Robert N. Turner
    chapter 59 Telemedicine in Sleep Medicine 700
    Fayçal Abdenbi
    SECTION V1II Pediatrics 705
    chapter 60 Pediatric Polysomnography 706
    Julie DeWitte and Emmanuel (Joel) Porquez
    chapter 61 Pediatric Scoring 716
    Tim A. Statza
    chapter 62 Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders in Children 732
    Brian J. Schultz and Lee J. Brooks
    chapter 63 Nonrespiratory Pediatric Sleep Disorders 739
    Kristine Bresnehan Servidio
    chapter 64 Parasomnias in Children 751
    Matthew J. Balog, Stephen H. Sheldon, and Darius Loghmanee
    chapter 65 Interventions in the Pediatric Sleep Laboratory 763
    Carla A. Evans, Carol Wood, Carla Uy, and Karen Waters
    chapter 66 Infant Polysomnography 777
    Patrick Sorenson
    SECTION IX Sleep Center Management 791
    Sleep Center Management chapters are available online as a supplement.
    chapter 67 Sleep Center Facilities and Equipment 792
    Todd Eiken
    chapter 68 The Manager’s Role in a Sleep Center 81 1
    Henry Johns, Connstance Shivers Smith, and Robert Hendrickson
    chapter 69 Sleep Center Policies and Procedures 821
    Robin E. Foster
    chapter 70 Ethics and Professionalism 826
    Robyn V. Woidtke
    chapter 71 Coding, Billing, and Regulatory Compliance 833
    Kathryn Hansen
    chapter 72 Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement 843
    Richard S. Rosenberg
    chapter 73 Research in the Sleep Center 847
    Allen Boone
    chapter 74 The Sleep Technologist in the Medical Office 859
    Julie DeWitte
    chapter 75 The Sleep Technologist in the Durable Medical Equipment World 866
    Susan Harpham, Sonia Garcia, Nicole Brecht, and Michael R. Watson
    chapter 76 The Sleep Technologist Working in Industry 872
    Joseph W. AndersonCONTENTS xvii
    SECTION X Appendix 877
    Appendices and Glossary are available online as a supplement.
    Appendix A. Artifact Recognition 877
    Appendix B. Trouble-shooting EEG 879
    Appendix C. Cardiac Arrhythmias 883
    Appendix D. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)
    Titration for OSA Patient. 885
    Appendix E. Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure Titration
    for OSA Patient 888
    Appendix F. Administration of O
    during PAP Titration
    for OSA Patient 890
    Appendix G. Evaluating Movement Disorders 892
    Appendix H. Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) 894
    Appendix I. Primary Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) 898
    Appendix J . Neurologic, Psychiatric and General Medical
    Disorders 899
    Appendix K. Evaluation and Treatment of Insomnia 901
    Appendix L. Patient Education Program Development and
    Goal Setting 903
    Appendix M. Essential Elements of the Patient Education Plan 905
    Appendix N. ResMed AirView
    Diagnostic Report 907
    Appendix O. Respironics Compliance Report 909
    Appendix P. Perioperative Screening Pilot Program 929
    Appendix Q. Research Terminology, Acronyms, and Agencies 931
    Glossary 937
    Index I-1
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Fundamentals of Sleep Technology

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