Written by leading fetal radiologists and maternal-fetal medicine specialists, with additional input from cardiologists, geneticists, and Doppler specialists, Fundamental and ...
Written by leading fetal radiologists and maternal-fetal medicine specialists, with additional input from cardiologists, geneticists, and Doppler specialists, Fundamental and Advanced Fetal Imaging provides comprehensive, practical guidance on prenatal ultrasound and fetal MRI. This state-of-the-art 2nd Edition clearly presents the essential information you need on normal anatomy and techniques, screening of normal and abnormal conditions, and fetal malformations, helping you effectively evaluate obstetric patients and reach an accurate diagnosis for a wide variety of fetal anomalies.
Covers obstetrical ultrasound safety and bioeffects, as well as expanded information on 3T fetal imaging and MRI safety.
Includes new, larger images of fetal brain anatomy, new sections on 3D and fetal imaging techniques, new research updates, and new biometric references, especially for MRI.
Discusses 3D printing and its potential to guide therapy and counseling, the use of cell-free DNA in prenatal screening and diagnosis, and new advances in placenta research.
Provides currently accepted guidelines for normal fetal sonographic anatomy from the American Institute of Ultrasound Medicine.
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Fundamental and Advanced Fetal Imaging Ultrasound and MRI
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975117030
USD $320.99 Quantity:
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