Home / Medicine / Functional Model of the Elbow Joint

Functional Model of the Elbow Joint

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TOne of our most popular elbow models, this life sized model of the right elbow features an exclusive detachable ligament ...
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  • TOne of our most popular elbow models, this life sized model of the right elbow features an exclusive detachable ligament system making it fully functional and allowing a complete view of each bone, ligament and cartilage. The ligaments are made of an indestructible, hard elastic for years of durable use. The ligaments' flexibility allows demonstration of the all of the natural movements of the elbow joint including extension and flexion of the upper arm and forearm, rotation movement of the radius, pronation and supination.
    May be removed from stand.
    Size: 16" x 8" x 8 "
    Made of SOMSO-Plast®
    Made in Germany by Somso Modelle
    The advantages of SOMSO functional models:
    1. Authentic reproduction of articulation
    2. High quality, strong, durable flexible plastic for the ligaments
    3. Use of screw connections wherever possible
    4. Easy to handle when removed from the stand
    5. includes key with description under the base
    Product Format
    Trim Size
    16 x 8
  • Anatomical Chart Company
$ 248.99 USD $248.99

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Functional Model of the Elbow Joint

Functional Model of the Elbow Joint

USD $248.99 Quantity:
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NS-52 Functional Model of the Elbow Joint NS-52 Home / Medicine / Functional Model of the Elbow Joint 1 https://shop.lww.com/Functional-Model-of-the-Elbow-Joint/p/NS-52 //cdn-tp2.mozu.com/16833-25855/cms/25855/files/33d7730a-18b6-43b6-8e97-f8f846748bf1 248.99 248.99 248.99 1

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