A life size model of an adult female pelvis cast from an natural specimen. Includes the wings of the illium, sacrum, L4, L5 and femur heads. The 2 lumbar vertebrae are flexibly mounted with elastic cord. Movements of the iliosacral joint can be demonstrated. Sacrum is removable. The femur heads are completely moveable and may also be removed. Made in Germany by Erler-Zimmer Also available : Z4058 Female Pelvis Z4056 Male Pelvis included.
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Z4058FFemale Pelvis with Femur HeadsZ4058FHome / Medicine / Female Pelvis with Femur Heads 1https://shop.lww.com/Female-Pelvis-with-Femur-Heads/p/Z4058F//cdn-tp2.mozu.com/16833-25855/cms/25855/files/d98d09d3-b92f-4a6d-bab2-8d8c5fd0c439119.99119.99119.991
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