Packed with more than 1,000 multiple choice questions and answers on topics commonly found on ABFM board examinations, The Family Medicine Board Review Book, Second Edition, edited by Dr. Robert A. Baldor, helps you make the most of your study time and achieve exam success. It provides valuable background information on ABFM in-training, board certification, and recertification examinations and their formats before presenting questions that are weighted and structured to mimic the ABFM exam. This unique, cost-effective review tool is ideal for testing your knowledge in every area of family medicine and identifying areas that may require further study.
Offers nearly 1,100 multiple choice questions that follow the ABFM Exam blueprint—the best question-to-cost ratio of any Q-bank available for Family Medicine
Features dozens of new questions throughout, as well as more questions in the form of clinical vignettes, to mimic the evolving exam format
Provides an interactive eBook quizzing platform with nearly 1,100 questions and answers to test your knowledge
Includes an atlas with clinical images and lab smears, reflecting the types of illustrations that are included on the exam
Contains additional reading suggestions for each answer, a Study Grid to help diagnose areas for improvement, practical test-taking tips from Family Medicine Residency Program directors, and highlighted key points throughout
Ideal for use with Dr. Frank J. Domino’s Fast Facts for the Family Medicine Board Review for a comprehensive board exam preparation experience
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
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Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
August 25, 2023
Robert A. Baldor MD
Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Massachusetts Medical School; Vice-Chairman, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Massachusetts Memorial Health Care, Worcester, MA
Preface vii The ABFM Board Certification Process ix ABFM Continuing Medical Education Requirements xiii Preparing for the Examination xv T est - T aking Skills xvii Using This Book xix CHAPTER 1 Adult Medicine 1 CHAPTER 2 Care of Children and Adolescents 124 CHAPTER 3 Care of the Female Patient (Including Maternity Care) 177 CHAPTER 4 Mental Health/Community Health 220 CHAPTER 5 Emergent and Surgical Care 253 CHAPTER 6 Care of the Elderly Patient 287 CHAPTER 7 Pict or ial Atlas 316 STUD Y GRID 341 INDEX 343 Contents
Offers nearly 1,100 multiple choice questions that follow the ABFM Exam blueprint—the best question-to-cost ratio of any Q-bank available for Family Medicine
Features dozens of new questions throughout, as well as more questions in the form of clinical vignettes, to mimic the evolving exam format
Provides an interactive eBook quizzing platform to test your knowledge online
Includes an atlas with clinical images and lab smears, reflecting the types of illustrations that are included on the exam
Contains additional reading suggestions for each answer, a Study Grid to help diagnose areas for improvement, practical test-taking tips from Family Medicine Residency Program directors, and highlighted key points throughout
Ideal for use with Dr. Frank J. Domino’s Fast Facts for the Family Medicine Board Review for a comprehensive board exam preparation experience
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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