Home / Allied Health / Exercise for Special Populations

Exercise for Special Populations

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
July 20, 2018
This updated 2nd Edition of Williamson’s highly applied text provides just enough background to help students learn to develop and ...
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  • This updated 2nd Edition of Williamson’s highly applied text provides just enough background to help students learn to develop and implement exercise programs for special populations. For each condition, the book provides a general description, anatomy and physiology variances, precautions, recommendations for exercise testing and prescription, instructions and images of various exercises, and nutritional considerations. The 2nd Edition features new chapters on Fibromyalgia and Parkinson’s Disease, as well as enhanced in-book pedagogy and online resources.

    For students:
    • An online library of patient handouts , organized by conditions, illustrates the correct way to perform a wide range of exercises.
    • For you
      • A Test Bank in Word® facilitates quiz and exam creation.
      • Pre-loaded PowerPoint presentations speed lecture preparation.
      • A complete image bank makes it easy to import images into lectures, assignments, and quizzes.
      • Answers to textbook questions are provided for your convenience
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    July 20, 2018
  • Peggie Williamson
    • eBOOK AVAILABLE. Faster, smarter, and more convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more.
    • NEW CHAPTERS: Due to recent research that indicates exercise can be an effective way to control pain and symptoms and slow disease progression, chapters on Fibromyalgia and Parkinson’s Disease have been added.
    • UPDATED! This edition aligns with the latest exercise testing and prescription standards in ACSM Guidelines, 10th Edition.
    • NEW! Lifestyle Modification Tips appear throughout.
    • An Anatomy and Physiology Review helps readers to better understand and work with the particular needs of special populations.
    • Sample Exercise sections provide exercises suitable for each given population, along with step-by-step instructions on how to perform the exercises and illustrations of starting and ending positions.
    • Case Studies —short real-world scenarios—are followed by questions that provide an opportunity to draft appropriate exercise prescriptions.
    • Thinking Critically questions stimulate thought and allow readers to evaluate their understanding of key points.
    • Quick References provide exercise tips and actions for each special population to avoid when exercising, while Definition boxes define difficult terminology.
    • Highlights offer additional information on related “hot topics.”
    • An online Library of Patient Handouts, organized by condition, illustrates the correct way to perform a wide range of exercises.
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Exercise for Special Populations

Exercise for Special Populations

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496389022
USD $88.99 Quantity:
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