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Essentials of Skeletal Radiology (2 Volume Set)

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
July 26, 2004
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The fully updated Third Edition of this successful text covers the full spectrum of radiology, continuing its tradition of excellence. ...
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  • The fully updated Third Edition of this successful text covers the full spectrum of radiology, continuing its tradition of excellence. Useful both as a learning tool across the chiropractic curriculum and as a reference and clinical aid to practitioners, the text helps readers distinguish key radiologic features—invaluable in clinical decision making.

    This edition incorporates the latest imaging technologies—including SPECT bone scan, diagnostic ultrasound, helical 3D CT, and MRI—and features more than 4,500 images obtained with state-of-the-art techniques. Coverage includes new chapters on soft-tissue imaging and paraspinal abnormalities and more information on sports-related injuries.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Multi-Volume Book
    Trim Size
    8 1/2 x 11
    Publication Date
    July 26, 2004
  • Terry R. Yochum
    Lindsay J. Rowe M App Sc (Chiropractic),
    1. Normal Skeletal Anatomy and Radiographic Positioning 1
      Lindsay J. Rowe and Terry R. Yochum
    2. Measurements in Skeletal Radiology 197
      Lindsay J. Rowe and Terry R. YochumCongenital Anomalies and Normal Skeletal Variants 257
      Gary M. Guebert, Lindsay J. Rowe, Terry R. Yochum, Jeffrey R. Thompson, and Chad J. MaolaScoliosis 405
      Lindsay J. Rowe, Terry R. Yochum, Chad J. Maola, and Norman W. KettnerNatural History of Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis 433
      Terry R. Yochum, Lindsay J. Rowe, Michael S. Barry, Chad J. Maola, and Norman W. KettnerDiagnostic Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System 485
      Terry R. Yochum, Norman W. Kettner, Michael S. Barry, Melanie D. Osterhouse, Robert J. Longenecker, Claude Pierre-Jerome, and Lindsay J. RowePrinciples of Radiologic Interpretation 679
      Lindsay J. Rowe and Terry R. YochumSkeletal Dysplasias 721
      Margaret A. Seron, Terry R. Yochum, Michael S. Barry, and Lindsay J. RoweTrauma 793
      Lindsay J. Rowe, Terry R. Yochum, and Chad J. Maola
    1. Arthritic Disorders 951
      Lindsay J. Rowe and Terry R. Yochum
    2. Tumors and Tumor-Like Processes 1137
      Terry R. Yochum and Lindsay J. RoweInfection 1373
      Lindsay J. Rowe and Terry R. YochumHematologic and Vascular Disorders 1427
      Lindsay J. Rowe and Terry R. YochumNutritional, Metabolic, and Endocrine Disorders 1497
      Lindsay J. Rowe and Terry R. YochumReport Writing and Risk Management Strategies in Skeletal Radiology 1547
      Lindsay J. Rowe, Terry R. Yochum, and Chad J. MaolaRadiographic Artifacts 1581
      Terry R. Yochum and Lindsay J. RoweA Radiographic Anthology of Vertebral Names 1701
      Terry R. Yochum, Bryan Hartley, David P. Thomas, and Gary M. GuebertMasqueraders of Musculoskeletal Disease 1715
      Lindsay J. Rowe and Terry R. Yochum
    Appendix A-1
    Index I-1
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Essentials of Skeletal Radiology (2 Volume Set)

Essentials of Skeletal Radiology (2 Volume Set)

ISBN/ISSN: 9780781739467
USD $474.99 Quantity :
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