Essentials of Maternity, Newborn, and Women’s Health Nursing offers a comprehensive and practical approach to understanding the maternal needs of women and their newborn infants.
Tailored specifically for nursing students, the textbook emphasizes the nursing process, guiding learners from theoretical concepts to practical application. The author builds on previously mastered knowledge, ensuring that students are well-prepared to pass the NCLEX® and safely practice maternity nursing.
Each chapter delves into various aspects of a woman's health throughout her life cycle, addressing risk factors, lifestyle choices, and appropriate interventions. Essential nursing education topics are also covered, helping students understand how to preserve and enhance the health of women and their newborns within the broader context of women's health. This holistic approach ensures that students gain a thorough understanding of the interconnected elements of women’s healthcare.
To bridge the gap between theory and practice, the textbook includes real-life scenarios that present relevant information on maternity, newborn, and women's health. These scenarios are designed to perfect students' caregiving skills by simulating clinical experiences, accompanied by questions that encourage critical evaluation and decision-making.
Additionally, real-life case studies provide further opportunities for practical application and critical thinking. The sixth edition also provides features such as Unfolding Patient Stories, case studies, step-by-step nursing procedures, maternity skill-based videos, and Practice and Learn case studies, all aimed at enhancing students' learning experiences and proficiency in maternity nursing.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
October 1, 2024
UNIT IIntroduction to Maternity, Newborn, and Women’s Nursing
Chapter 1: Perspectives on Maternal, Newborn, and Women’s Health Care
Chapter 2: Family-Centered Community-Based Care
UNIT II Women’s Health Throughout the Lifespan
Chapter 3: Anatomy and Physiology of the Female Reproductive System
Chapter 4: Common Gynecologic Issues
Chapter 5: Sexually Transmitted Infections
Chapter 6: Disorders of the Breasts
Chapter 7: Benign Disorders of the Female Reproductive Tract
Chapter 8: Cancers of the Female Reproductive Tract
Chapter 9: Violence and Abuse
UNIT III Pregnancy
Chapter 10: Fetal Development and Genetics
Chapter 11: Maternal Adaptation During Pregnancy
Chapter 12: Nursing Management During Pregnancy
UNIT IV Labor and Birth
Chapter 13: Labor and Birth Process
Chapter 14: Nursing Management During Labor and Birth
UNIT V Postpartum Period
Chapter 15: Postpartum Adaptations
Chapter 16: Nursing Management during the Postpartum Period
UNIT VI The Newborn
Chapter 17: Newborn Transitioning
Chapter 18: Nursing Management of the Newborn
UNIT VIIChildbearing at Risk
Chapter 19: Nursing Management of Pregnancy at Risk: Pregnancy-Related Complications
Chapter 20: Nursing Management of the Pregnancy at Risk: Selected Health Conditions and Vulnerable Populations
Chapter 21: Nursing Management of Labor and Birth at Risk
Chapter 22: Nursing Management of the Postpartum Patient at Risk
UNIT VIIIThe Newborn at Risk
Chapter 23: Nursing Care of the Newborn with Special Needs
Chapter 24: Nursing Management of the Newborn at Risk: Acquired and Congenital Newborn Conditions
Unfolding Patient Stories: Engaging vignettes from the National League for Nursing, featuring patients from Wolters Kluwer’s vSim® for Nursing Fundamentals, to spark meaningful classroom conversations.
Clinical Reasoning Alerts: Promotes critical thinking by highlighting key information essential for clinical reasoning in the nursing process.
Threaded Case Studies: Real-life scenarios that develop students' caregiving skills with questions for critical evaluation and decision-making.
Evidence-Based Practice: Integrates current research questions into evidence-based practice boxes, citing relevant studies throughout the chapters.
Clinical Judgment & Nursing Process: Provides concrete examples of each nursing process step in Clinical Judgment and Nursing Process boxes, summarizing key content and care guidelines.
Comparison Charts: Compares disorders or concepts to clarify and enhance student understanding.
Nursing Procedures: Clear, step-by-step instructions to ensure competent performance of nursing procedures and clarify any variations.
Consider This: First-person patient narratives that evoke empathy and enhance caregiving skills, ending with critical thinking prompts.
Developing Clinical Judgment: End-of-chapter sections to review essential concepts, including:
Practicing for NCLEX: NCLEX-RN® style questions to test critical thinking and nursing process application.
Critical Thinking Exercises: Challenges to integrate new knowledge with previous concepts, encouraging problem-solving and personal reflection.
Study Activities: Interactive activities promoting active learning through clinical, online, and community engagements.
Essentials of Maternity, Newborn, and Women's Health Nursing
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975245511
USD $139.99 Quantity:
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