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Dyad Leadership in Healthcare

When One Plus One Is Greater Than Two
Publication Date:
February 18, 2015
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For a practical and insightful how-to on creating shared health care management, dive into Dyad Clinical Leadership . Offering expert guidance ...
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  • For a practical and insightful how-to on creating shared health care management, dive into Dyad Clinical Leadership . Offering expert guidance from a successful clinical dyad, this unique, forward-looking reference maps the way to enacting clinical co-leadership, while avoiding the pitfalls of power imbalances, communication gaps, and lack of management training.
    Use the authors’ proven methods and everyday examples to create collaborative co-management among clinicians from a range of disciplines—while reducing costs and improving patient outcomes.
    Topics include:
    o History of healthcare management, leadership models and payment systems
    o Integrating and maximizing the skills of clinical and nonclinical professionals
    o Forming dyad-led teams and multiple partnerships: Choosing or being assigned a partner, challenges of shared leadership; essential skills; sharing power; learning dyad skills
    o Handling internal team problems, dynamics and power shifts
    o The next era of health care management – leadership in hospitals, units, and clinics
    o “Dyads in Action” – Real-life stories in each chapter detailing examples of team-building and how different teams have dealt with dyad challenges
    • Numerous dyad examples, such as CMIO and CNIO, CMO and CNO, Chief Quality Officer and CNO
    • Detailed, real-world direction on creating integrated management teams - Individual roles, providing management training, choosing leaders with complementary skills, making data-driven decisions
    • Discusses organizational change management models and how to enact change management, develop high-functioning, multidisciplinary teams led by dyad leaders, and use design development tools
    • Theoretical management models presented within real-life co-leadership scenarios
    • Excellent guide for clinical and nonclinical leaders alike, including nurses, physicians, and all those interested in the new healthcare leadership model
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    6 x 9
    Publication Date
    February 18, 2015
  • Kathleen D. Sanford DBA, RN, CENP, FACHE
    Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer
    Catholic Health Initiatives 
    Englewood, Colorado
    Stephen L. Moore MD
    Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer
    Catholic Health Initiatives
    Englewood, Colorado
  • Table of Contents
    Chapter 1: Dyad Management
    Chapter 2: How Did We Get Here?
    Chapter 3: Dyad Development
    Chapter 4: Dealing with other “Family Members” (Our Team)
    Chapter 5: Culture Shock: Helping others move into the next era of leadership
    Chapter 6: Dyad Sites: Where this type of leadership is evolving
    Chapter 7: Learning Dyad Skills
    Chapter 8: Changing Partners (moving from one Dyad partner to another)
    Chapter 9: Multiple Partners
    Chapter 10: Moving into the Next Era …and the Next Era +1 (+2) (+3)
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Dyad Leadership in Healthcare

Dyad Leadership in Healthcare

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451193343
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