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Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
December 4, 1998
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Selected as a 2023 Doody’s Core Title! Since 1980, Dr. Osborn's An Introduction to Cerebral Angiography has been the definitive ...
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  • Selected as a 2023 Doody’s Core Title!

    Since 1980, Dr. Osborn's An Introduction to Cerebral Angiography has been the definitive text on this imaging modality. Now, this classic work has been completely revised, reorganized, and updated and expanded from an introductory book into a comprehensive, state-of-the-art reference on cerebral angiography. Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography, Second Edition, is organized into three major parts. Part 1 covers techniques and technical aspects of cerebral angiography. Part 2 is a detailed description of normal anatomy, anatomic variations, and congenital anomalies. Part 3 focuses on pathological entities, including trauma, aneurysms, stroke, vascular malformations, atherosclerosis, and vasculitis.Coverage includes new information on vascular territories, film subtraction, and magnetic resonance angiography. The text is thoroughly illustrated with 1,200 radiographs and line drawings, all of them new to this volume. Another new feature of this Second Edition is the use of boxed summaries throughout the text to highlight key points.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8 1/2 x 11
    Publication Date
    December 4, 1998
  • Anne G. Osborn MD
    University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT
  • Preface

    SECTION I: Normal Gross and Angiographic Anatomy of the Craniocervical Vasculature
    1 The Aortic Arch and Great Vessels
    2 The External Carotid Artery
    3 The Internal Carotid Artery: Cervical, Petrous, and Lacerum Segments
    4 The Internal Carotid Artery: Cavernous, Clinoid, Ophthalmic and Communicating Segments
    5 The Circle of Willis
    6 The Anterior Cerebral Artery
    7 The Middle Cerebral Artery
    8 The Posterior Cerebral Artery
    9 The Vertebrobasilar System
    10 The Extracranial Veins and Dural Venous Sinuses
    11 The Cerebral Veins

    SECTION II: Pathology of the Craniocervical Vasculature
    12 Intracranial Aneurysms
    13 Vascular Malformations
    14 Neoplasms and Mass Effects
    15 Nonatheramotous Vasculopathy
    16 Atherosclerosis and Carotid Stenosis
    17 Stroke
    18 Trauma

    SECTION III: Technical Aspects of Cerebral Angiography
    by John M. Jacobs
    19 Diagnostic Neuroangiography: Basic Techniques

    Subject Index
  • --classic work that has been completely revised, reorganized, and updated
    --the definitive text on imaging modality
    --a comprehensive state-of-the-art reference on cerebral angiography
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Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography

Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography

ISBN/ISSN: 9780397584048
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