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DeLisa's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Principles and Practice

Edition: 6
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Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023!DeLisa’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Principles and Practice presents the most ...
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  • Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023!

    DeLisa’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Principles and Practice
    presents the most comprehensive review of the state of the art, evidence-based clinical recommendations for physiatric management of disorders affecting the brain, spinal cord, nerves, bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons.
    Written by the most recognized names in PM&R research and education, the Sixth Edition of DeLisa’s pioneering textbook presents both the scientific fundamentals as well as the latest clinical treatments and rehabilitation techniques for a broad array of conditions, disabilities, and diseases.
    • Now in a 1-volume and four-color format, for more precise, accurate, and easier reading.
    • Focuses on current evidence and therapies, and includes the most recent changes and updates in the field.
    • Features new chapters on the epidemiology of disability globally, polytrauma, and physical medicine and rehabilitation in disaster relief.
    • Additional online-only chapter content (figures and tables) accessible through the eBook.
    • Several international contributors have been added, giving this edition a global perspective.
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    July 9, 2019
  • Walter R. Frontera MD, PhD, FAAPM&R, FACSM
    Past President of FIMS; Dean, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, San Juan, Puerto Rico; Chair, Education Commission FIMS 2002-2005; Past President ACSM
    Joel A. DeLisa MD, MS
    Professor and Chair, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ; President & Chief Executive Officer, Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Corporation, West Orange, NJ
    Bruce M. Gans MD
    Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical School; Chief Medical Officer, Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation, West Orange, NJ
    Lawrence R. Robinson MD
    Professor and Chair, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
    William Bockenek MD
    John Chae MD
    Contributors xi
    Preface xix
    PART I
    Principles of Assessment and Evaluation
    1 Clinical Evaluation 1
    John A. Freeman, Sally B. Alcott, Armen G. Derian, and
    Christopher H. Bailey
    2 Assessment of Human Muscle Function 49
    Walter R. Frontera and Jan Lexell
    3 Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of the
    Peripheral Nervous System 66
    Lawrence R. Robinson
    4 Human Walking 94
    Thiru M. Annaswamy, Nicholas P . Fey, Didem Inanoglu,
    and Gargi D. Raval
    5 Imaging T echniques 110
    Edgar Colón Negron and Luis R. Burgos-Anaya
    6 Diagnostic Ultrasound 176
    Yi-Pin Chiang, Wen-Chung Tsai, Tyng-Guey Wang,
    and Henry L. Lew
    7 Functional Evaluation and Management of
    Self-Care and Other Activities of Daily Living 185
    Carolyn M. Baum, Timothy J. Wolf, and Samuel Talisman
    8 Disability Determination in Relation to Work 198
    Russell Gelfman
    9 The International Classification of Functioning,
    Disability, and Health 208
    Gerold Stucki, Jerome Bickenbach, Melissa Selb, and John L. Melvin
    10 Systematically Assessing and Improving
    the Quality of Physical Medicine and
    Rehabilitation 227
    James E. Graham, Steve R. Fisher, and Kenneth J. Ottenbacher
    11 Epidemiology of Disability in the United
    States and Internationally: Implications for
    Policy and Practice 240
    Stephen P . Gulley, Elizabeth K. Rasch, Abrahm J. Behnam, and
    Leighton Chan
    The Rehabilitation Team: Systems-Based
    12 Psychological Aspects of Rehabilitation 257
    Daniel E. Rohe and Thida Han
    13 Speech, Language, Swallowing, and Auditory
    Rehabilitation 280
    Marlís González Fernández, Rachel W. Mulheren, Joseph P . Pillion,
    Rajani Sebastian, and Donna C. Tippett
    14 Vocational Rehabilitation, Independent
    Living, and Consumerism 305
    Debra B. Homa and David A. DeLambo
    15 Important to Measure Aspects of
    Participation and Environmental Factors in
    Medical Rehabilitation 319
    Danbi Lee and Allen W. Heinemann
    16 Ethical Issues in Rehabilitation Medicine 331
    Janet F. Haas
    17 International Aspects of the Practice of
    Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 343
    Francesca Gimigliano, Jorge Laíns, and Leonard S.W. Li
    Major Conditions: Neuromuscular
    18 Stroke Rehabilitation 355
    Joel Stein
    19 Traumatic Brain Injury 376
    Steven R. Flanagan, Brian S. Im, Heidi N. Fusco, Prin Amorapanth,
    and Erika L. Trovato
    20 Multiple Sclerosis 414
    Francois A. Bethoux and Mary Alissa Willis
    21 Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Parkinson
    Disease and Movement Disorders 429
    Vu Q. C. Nguyen, Mark A. Hirsch, and Nicole F. Rup
    22 Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injury 449
    Ronald K. Reeves, Morgan Brubaker, and Steven Craig Kirshblum
    23 Motor Neuron Disease 501
    Nanette C. Joyce, Dorothy Weiss Tolchin, Ileana Michelle Howard,
    and Sabrina Paganoni
    24 Peripheral Neuropathy 520
    Mark A. Thomas and Stephanie Rand
    25 Myopathy 534
    Jay J. Han
    Major Conditions: Musculoskeletal
    26 Disorders of the Cervical Spine 555
    Matthew T. Santa Barbara and Gwendolyn Sowa 27 Rehabilitation of Lumbar Spine Disorders: An
    Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Approach 575
    Stefano Negrini, Fabio Zaina, Michele Romano, and Carlo Trevisan
    28 Idiopathic Scoliosis 616
    Stefano Negrini, Sabrina Donzelli, Alessandra Negrini,
    Michele Romano, and Fabio Zaina
    29 Disorders of the Upper Limbs 629
    Nitin B. Jain, Chan Gao, and Brian Richardson
    30 Disorders of the Lower Limbs 647
    Stephen C. Johnson, Adrielle L. Fry, Eric T. Chen, and Melinda S. Loveless
    31 The Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation
    of Osteoporosis 684
    Pamela Hansen and Rebecca Wilson Zingg
    32 Rheumatic Diseases 717
    Ramona Raya, Galen O. Joe, and Lynn H. Gerber
    PART V
    Major Conditions: General Rehabilitation
    33 Cardiac Rehabilitation 767
    Carmen M. Terzic and Jose R. Medina-Inojosa
    34 Rehabilitation of the Patient with Respiratory
    Dysfunction 785
    Matthew N. Bartels and John R. Bach
    35 Burns 799
    Jeffrey C. Schneider and Sara E. Cartwright
    36 Rehabilitation for Patients with Cancer Diagnoses 820
    Julie K. Silver, Vishwa S. Raj, Sasha E. Knowlton,
    Lisa Marie Ruppert, and Diana M. Molinares
    37 Amputations and Vascular Diseases 847
    Karen L. Andrews, Mary E. Matsumoto, Matthew T. Houdek, and
    Melissa J. Neisen
    Secondary Conditions and Complications
    38 Physical Inactivity: Physiologic Impairments and
    Related Clinical Conditions 873
    Patrick Kortebein
    39 Chronic Pain 891
    Andrea Dompieri Furlan, Nimish Mittal, Dinesh Kumbhare,
    Mario Giraldo-Prieto, and Angela Mailis-Gagnon
    40 Spasticity 926
    Amanda L. Harrington, Michael A. Kryger, and Jessica B. Berry
    Special Populations
    41 Sports Medicine 941
    William Micheo, Gerardo Miranda-Comas, Luis Baerga-Varela,
    and Gerard A. Malanga
    42 Paralympic Sports 963
    Yetsa A. Tuakli-Wosornu, Anne L. Hart,
    Cheri A. Blauwet, and Jan Lexell
    43 Physical Activity for People with Disabilities 982
    Byron W. Lai and James H. Rimmer
    44 Performing Arts Medicine 1001
    Sonya Rissmiller, Lauren A. Chambers, and Katie Weatherhogg
    45 Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities
    and Adults with Childhood-Onset Disabling
    Conditions 1014
    Tobias J. Tsai and Kelly L. D. Pham
    46 Health for Women with Disabilities 1036
    Amie Brown (Jackson) McLain and Marcalee S. Alexander
    47 Geriatric Rehabilitation 1054
    Ian D. Cameron, Susan Kurrle, and Patrick Kortebein
    48 The Role of PM&R in Disaster Relief 1089
    Andrew J. Haig and Josh Verson
    Management Methods
    49 Exercise 1101
    Frank E. Lorch, Lee Stoner, Jesse A. Lieberman, Alicia H. Lazeski,
    and Michael Masi
    50 Aquatic Rehabilitation 1144
    Bruce E. Becker
    51 The Physical Agents 1163
    Jeffrey R. Basford and G. David Baxter
    52 Pharmacotherapy of Disability 1179
    Todd P . Stitik, Vivan P . Shah, Harmeet S. Dhani, Nourma Sajid,
    Shruti Amin, and Patrick J. Bachoura
    53 Joint and Spinal Injection Procedures 1220
    Lisa Huynh, Zachary L. McCormick, and David J. Kennedy
    54 Electrical Stimulation (Therapeutic and
    Functional) 1246
    Jayme S. Knutson, Steven W. Brose, Ela B. Plow,
    Richard D. Wilson, and John Chae
    55 Assistive T echnology 1264
    Cathy Bodine
    56 Upper and Lower Limb Prosthetics 1282
    Heikki Uustal
    57 Orthotics for the Lower and Upper
    Limb and Spine 1308
    Alberto Esquenazi
    58 Wheelchairs 1326
    Lynn A. Worobey, Stephanie K. Rigot, and Michael L. Boninger
    59 Integrative Medicine in PM&R 1346
    Marni G. Hillinger, Megan M. Sweeney, Lindsey C. McKernan,
    Kathryn Ann Hansen, and Melinda R. Ring PART IX
    Scientific Advances
    60 Evidence-Based Practice in Rehabilitation
    (Including Clinical T rials) 1363
    Mary D. Slavin and Alan M. Jette
    61 Neural Repair and Plasticity 1379
    Randolph J. Nudo
    62 Rehabilitation Robotics 1394
    Shuo-Hsiu (James) Chang, Jennifer L. Sullivan, Zahra Kadivar,
    Marcia K. O’Malley, and Gerard E. Francisco
    Index 1409
  • While each chapter has its own unique strengths, there are some noteworthy aspects of several of the chapters.  The early chapters on assessment and evaluation are clear and well organized, with tables and figures that are most helpful. The chapters that focus on the non-physical aspects of functioning, such as psychological and vocational issues, constitute additional distinguishing features of the book. Also, the information and insights contained in these chapters are supplemented by separate discussions of psychosocial aspects of functioning within condition-specific chapters, such as those on spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, and cancer. Individual chapters on specific neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, and medical conditions provide valuable overviews of those problems. The images and diagrams in the musculoskeletal chapters are particularly plentiful and useful. There is appropriate attention given in individual chapters to the common cross-cutting secondary conditions of pain, spasticity, and inactivity. A distinguishing feature of the book is its special emphasis on the novel topics of Paralympic sports and physical activity for people with disabilities, women with disabilities, and disaster relief. Chapters describing rehabilitation management interventions are thorough and well-written. The few concluding chapters on evidence-based practices, neural repair, and robotic technology, serve as additional unique resources. In all of the chapters, references are numerous and current. The index is well-constructed and user-friendly. It is notable that additional online resources are available, as are other functions such as the ability to convert to audiobook and to create flashcards.
    Some of the best learning on various topics in a field occurs when the information gained from experimentally-derived and literature-based evidence is supplemented by the wisdom gleaned from extensive clinical experience and insight. This book succeeds in combining and communicating these qualities to form a comprehensive and valuable resource for trainees and practicing generalists and specialists from both inside and outside of PM&R.
    -Elliot J. Roth, MD
    October 2019
    • Now in a 1-volume and four-color format, for more precise, accurate, and easier reading.
    • Focuses on current evidence and therapies, and includes the most recent changes and updates in the field.
    • Features new chapters on the epidemiology of disability globally, polytrauma, and physical medicine and rehabilitation in disaster relief.
    • Additional online-only chapter content (figures and tables) accessible through the eBook.
    • Several international contributors have been added, giving this edition a global perspective.
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DeLisa's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Principles and Practice

DeLisa's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Principles and Practice

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496374967
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