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Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology

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Publication Frequency:
Published 6 times per year (Bimonthly)
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  • Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology is a bimonthly publication offering a unique and wide ranging perspective on the key developments in the field. Each issue features hand-picked review articles from our team of expert editors. With eleven disciplines published across the year – including reproductive endocrinology, gynecologic cancer and fertility– every issue also contains an in-depth bibliography gleaned from several hundred top journals in the field, complete with annotations detailing the merits of the most important papers.
    Stay informed, get a Current Opinion.
    Product Format
    Print Journal + Online Access
    Publication Frequency
    Published 6 times per year (Bimonthly)
  • Jonathan S. Berek MD, MMS
    Laurie Kraus Lacob Professor 
    Director, Stanford Women’s Cancer Center
    Stanford Cancer Institute
    Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Stanford University School of Medicine
    Stanford, California
  • --Access to crucial developments from the broadest range of resources
    --Current clinical advances in a clear, easy-to-read format
    --Expert annotations of relevant original papers
    --Comprehensive bibliographic listings from the most respected journals
    • February : Gynecologic cancer; Breast cancer
    • April : Maternal-fetal medicine; Prenatal diagnosis
    • June : Fertility
    • August : Minimally invasive gynecologic procedures; Reproductive endocrinology
    • October : Adolescent and pediatric gynecology; Urogynecology
    • December : Women's health; Healthcare management strategies
    --Website: www.co-obgyn.com
  • 6 Issues / 12 months ($6.00/issue)
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Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology

ISBN/ISSN: 1040-872X
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